«40% Of Audiophiles Are Dying And No One Is Doing Anything About It!»

Interesting video of Jay's audio lab reflections about the audiophile world:



I’m the same age as Jay and yeah it’s lonely in this range (and younger) in the USA. I’m good friends with the 3 I know around my own age in a LARGE metropolitan area. I’ve encountered a few more here and there (gear buy / sell) -they’re certainly out there but it’s rare. Part of it is the USA’s culture shift - a few other regions / cultures have more of an audiophile tilt.

Some of the older dudes I get along with great, and others - well, there’s a reason we get associated to some bad tropes & stereotypes. The women have always been rare as hen’s teeth. There are a few here and there, but in general they’re wired differently and have priorities that don’t lead them down this particular path. And that’s OK - don’t force what’s not there. Anyways if I hooked up with an audiophile gal I’d probably be broke on the streets in a month; I’m bad enough as is.

So what happens with all this equipment we have when we die, could be costly to bury with the body, could also have it incinerated for those who choose cremation. Being ;perceived as worthless junk by younger set means it goes to the landfill, think I'll choose incineration.

Look at the prices of what Jay’s is selling. He caters to a very rarefied clientele and one that is likely of an age advanced enough to be able to afford that stuff and advanced enough to be approaching death at the same time.

As for demographic collapse, no other country can compare to China. Of course, China is also facing financial collapse. Used equipment sites in China will be vast in number. This could ultimately be one of those situations in which high end equipment can be had for low prices thus jump starting another round of audiophile discovery and enthusiasm.

I used to be worried about this issue. Now I’m so worried about other things that I don't have the bandwidth for this.