
Responses from zlone

Is more amp power always better...?
@decooney My pure Class A solid state 50w amp with mosfet opts (always on), sounds better than my other Class AB amps where the first 10w was supposed to be Class A.   Good point, pure Class A is another option. I am guessing that amps designe... 
Is more amp power always better...?
Lots of good advice here. If you can find an impedance graph for your speakers and see that they spend time at 4 ohms or below, you will want to ensure that the amp doubles or comes close to doubling wattage when impedance drops to that level. Ano... 
New Amp... Is it time to switch my speaker cables??
+1 for the Satori’s. I took @soix advice awhile back and they delivered.   
Add Chord Cutest (DAC) to Bluesound Node or purchase HiFi Rose RS150BDAC
I would not gamble on the Rose to deliver the best sound, especially if you don’t care about the bling factor that comes with it. I have not heard the Qutest, but there are plenty of well reviewed DAC’s in that price range, read carefully to find ... 
Young audiophile metal head looking to level up speaker choice
I owned Heresy’s for decades and liked them for 70’s metal, though light on bass, but I also owned a Sphinx briefly, and while never connected to the Klipsch, I think you might be right it could be fatiguing. Polk and JBL are classic rockers and w... 
Pre-amp vs gain control box help please
I think most will agree that a decent preamp will improve your system. I think the cheap boxes will have a negative effect. The Freya as recommended is a good place to start, or try the https://www.schiit.com/products/kara if you don’t want the tu... 
Integrateds: Luxman vs. Ayre?
It sounds like you will like the Ayre in terms of amplification, and the real question is whether the built-in streamer/DAC will be an acceptable replacement for the Pi/Mytek. Are you using a streamer HAT on the Pi or just native USB? If the latte... 
suggestions? Coda CSIB or Musical Fidelity M8xi?
I am biased towards the Coda as I have a #8, and it is fantastic. I had a MF M3si for a short period years ago, and I really liked the sound. Sweet like the Coda. It was underpowered for what I needed at the time and I did not have the money to go... 
can subwoofers make things worse?
I use a REL 7i in a small space. Once properly tuned, it fits in perfectly.   
The A21 should handle 80db easily with those speakers. Can you describe what you mean by clipping? It might also be helpful to know something about your source components.   
What to ask when buying used speakers?
Will do.  
What to ask when buying used speakers?
@soix I have avoided posting any budget or brand names to prevent the discussion from devolving into specific speaker recommendations. The feedback here has been very useful and I would say mostly in favor of used purchases with proper due diligen... 
Class A, A/B vs Class D amp Soundstage
Actually you changed two things, maybe three. The amp is new, so is the streamer and I am guessing you are using the built in DAC. Any or all of those things together could be affecting your soundstage.   
What to ask when buying used speakers?
@ghdprentice You are familiar with the house sound of the speakers you want and speaker you don’t want? So, you have a short list of speakers that you know you will like if received in good working order? In this case yes, while I do not have a... 
How to proceed?
Looking at your system and the comments, I assume that the sibilance was not an issue with the Wells and Moon setup? The Aqua is a pretty nice unit, I would be surprised that it is the source of the problem. Possibly it is making it more apparent,...