

Responses from zephyr24069

What high-end multichannel SACD players are there?
Esoteric SA60, UX-1/UX-1 Limited also support multichannel audio output from suitably capable discs. Check out the product brochures for details. You can also achieve what is reported to be the ultimate in SACD multichannel playback from opting fo... 
B&W N802: Which amp??
Not wanting to start any religious battles over amplification however if your choice is constrained to those 2 I would choose the MC402 given life-like and organic nature of the sound and many other likeable qualities. You may also wish to conside... 
New Pre - Pro Sherbourne pt-7020c4
Agreed with Internetmin with the minor exception that today's processors would be a safer bet than some of the older ones in terms of what standards they support and are worth having moving forward. I cannot speak to the 2-channel quality of the 7... 
New Pre - Pro Sherbourne pt-7020c4
I don't know the new unit but did own a PT-7010A surround processor and 7/2100A 7-channel amp from them a few years ago and can tell you that all things remaining equal, the recommendation from your friend is a good one. Sherbourn has always built... 
Elrod Statement Gold Owners Please
I can definitely identify with what Strapper is saying about trying many different options for cabling over the years and finding Elrod cables; furthermore I can side with the idea and emotion of not ever taking Elrod cables out of my system (unle... 
Esoteric K-01
Guido...I don't own a K-03 or K-01 but when I talked to Mark and Tim from Esoteric this past April at Axpona about them (they were showing a K-03), they told me that breakin time is consistent with the P-01, P-03U/P-03, UX-1, X-01, C-03 pre-amp, e... 
Suggestions for rock music
I listen to a lot of rock, prog-rock, etc....You will definitely want to consider Legacy Audio Focus HDs and if you can find them at a good used price, the Focus SEs. Legacy Focus excels at a large variety of music; rock music of all types is one ... 
Elrod Statement Gold Owners Please
Jfz and Jbrrp1: Thanks for the feedback. I know of one audiophile who recently tried a new Gold Statement X2 and two audiophiles who have the Diamonds. In both cases they rave about 'the final bits' of performance improvements over the most recent... 
sound difference MIT ORACLE AC1 vs ELROD vs PURIST
The best bet is to have at least 1 foot of clearance behind your racks to allow for the stiffer cables as has already been pointed out. Bend the Elrod cables slowly into the alignment you are looking for and then make sure they are supported at va... 
Elrod Statement Gold Owners Please
In my system, the Elrod Statement Gold PCs are also tantamount to a full component upgrade. Putting in the first brought everything Shane is talking about and more in terms of realism, energy and imaging. The overall effect would take alot more th... 
which speakers for low watt power amp?
What type of music do you like to listen to? That will figure in to what may work best for you. I listen to an extremely wide variety of music and have found Legacy Focus HDs and particularly the later SE models to be great with a wide variety of ... 
REL subwoofer crossover question
Drew: I think you are right.... 
REL subwoofer crossover question
The dials on the back of the REL are for the high-pass inputs from your amp speaker connections; they help with true sub-bass and bass blending for normal 2-channel listening. Is the single-RCA connection you are talking about the LFE output from ... 
sound difference MIT ORACLE AC1 vs ELROD vs PURIST
Agreed...I would add energy, realism and other attributions to that description to equal what I am hearing with the Elrod cables.... 
sound difference MIT ORACLE AC1 vs ELROD vs PURIST
As with Uli's comments, I'm not cumulative is the best word but I agree wholeheartedly with the point...