

Responses from zephyr24069

AES Cables: Kubala, Stealth, PAD, etc..experiences
Thank you Jon...I'll look up your feedback on the other threads and also check out info on those cables! 
Cable Costs Relative to System
IMHO, a good front end is incredibly important and like finding the speakers that make you happiest along with amp and pre-amp, are the first thing you should get right and stable in your system. My approach has been along this path and it has ser... 
Biggest Baddest Audio Cables
To the topic raised initially, the latest generations of Elrod power, speaker and interconnect cables are both beautifully made (beyond anything I've seen), very large AND they sound amazing!!! 
Esoteric DV50 Setup Questions
Digital out settings like DTS-PCM do not apply to analog audio output on the DV-50s, UX-1 Ltd, etc...in my experience. For digital out however DTS-PCM is a good setting. If memory serves, for filter settings, I preferred the RDOT+FIR filter settin... 
Kudos to Analogue Productions.
Agreed...the AP SACD releases are stunning in the quality of the remastering to SACD. The other releases that suspend disbelief you'll want to check out are the AudioWave Blue Note remasters being offered by Elusive Disc exclusively on XRCD24. The... 
sound difference MIT ORACLE AC1 vs ELROD vs PURIST
All the things you mention are consistent with what I've heard when I've added them to my system as well. It's amazing what a great PC component of this level can add to a system and help it realize 
sound difference MIT ORACLE AC1 vs ELROD vs PURIST
The cables do sound great on day 1 however you'll want to give them a few days to start to settle in and at least 300-350 hours to fully break in. Enjoy! 
sound difference MIT ORACLE AC1 vs ELROD vs PURIST
I have at one point and it proved to be a great upgrade for the entire system as it brought great power to the main distribution point for the entire system. At present, I have it back on my amp and am planning to find another one as soon as this ... 
Esoteric P-03/D-03 or Esoteric K-03
You are very welcome...the K3 and K1 represent a ton of great performance in a more affordable and smaller footprint package. It's amazing to see and hear how far the industry has come in the last 10-20 years... 
Esoteric P-03/D-03 or Esoteric K-03
The K-03 was an impressive single-box player that I enjoyed hearing more than the DV-50s and UX-1 Limited Edition that I owned several years ago. It's RBCD and SACD playback were very good, spacious and musical without being edgy or bright. It cou... 
Esoteric P-03/D-03 or Esoteric K-03
I heard the K-03 both with and without the G-0Rb clock at Axpona 2011; the unit was amazing. The K-03 was playing straight through to an Esoteric amp; they later added the C-03 pre-amp to the circuit and the performance took another big leap. Esot... 
Esoteric P-03/D-03 or Esoteric K-03
One note on something written above, P-03 and D-03 do maintain full DSD for SACD all the way from transport through DAC decoding and playback. There is an option to convert DSD->PCM and PCM->DSD however you need not choose this. The DAC chip... 
Legacy Focus 20/20's vs PBN Montana EPS-2
Properly setup, the SEs disappear completely; the HDs nearly as much. They are both fundamentally large improvements over the 20/20s I used to own and go to toe to toe with many other high-end speakers at much higher price points. 
Wilson, Legacy, or ?
The speaker to look at in that range would be the Focus HD or even more so, the new Focus SE (can be had on Audiogon/demo market for a bit less than retail). I've owned the 20/20s, HDs and SE and am currently solid on keeping the SEs for many year... 
sound difference MIT ORACLE AC1 vs ELROD vs PURIST
After many months of listening to various combinations of Elrod cables in combination in my system, the cumulative effect on the system is amazing. These powercords (and in my case interconnects and speaker cables) definitely heighten the performa...