
Responses from zd542

Rewiring 220v to 120v
It depends. 
What is the future for Proac Speakers ?
"You should shoot them an Email if you are concerned about it and I am sure they will give you the low down on the situation.Yogiboy (Threads | Answers | This Thread)"A business will never tell you that they're in trouble. They keep stuff like tha... 
Tell us your worst audio dealer or mfr. experience.
"I found out later, Sonic Frontiers was using a Phillips transport that was known to have problems.I can see why Sonic Frontiers went out of business...Ozzy (System | Reviews | Threads | Answers | This Thread)"Did you have one of those iris transp... 
Worth upgrading from Morrow MA4's?
"I have become a cynic of expensive cables ever since spending a hugely embarrassing amount in 2004 on Stealth super- hyped cables only to trade them for cables one tenth the price a year later with no regrets. I hope you get my point. The cheaper... 
Tell us your worst audio dealer or mfr. experience.
"He was VERY patient, professional and accommodating. I took weeks to finally pick them up due to my business schedule and me not being readily available. It was a very positive experience - he established my trust and confidence.I highly recommen... 
What is the future for Proac Speakers ?
It's a conspiracy to get people to sell their speakers for low prices. 
Amps for Egglestonworks Andra II or Sophia 2
"05-02-15: SbojeThe only complaints I've heard about the Andra speakers regarding system matching is that they don't sing without powerful amplification, but everyone says the high end of them is sweet. Maybe it's a better gamble than the Wilson?"... 
"Warm Sounding" Solid State Amplifiers
"05-03-15: PontifexIt will still be yet another week or so but I'm very excited to finally introduce myself to the Musical Fidelity brand. If I enjoy their sound signature I could see myself moving up to the M6 series. I want to simplify my rig a ... 
Tell us your worst audio dealer or mfr. experience.
"05-03-15: Buconero117I agree, there are some 'slippery' sales people at the Stereo Exchange."Actually, its the owner that's slippery. 
Another UPS Horror Story
If you want your money, you're going to have to take it back yourself. No ones going to hand it to you. At this point, you have enough info to do just that, but you have to act on it. Its your choice to make. 
Forgiving digital coax ?
Whatever your problem is, a new digital cable probably won't fix anything. I could be wrong, but I wouldn't get my hopes up. Before you spend any money, you may want to do some experimenting first. Any 75hom coax you have is essentially a digital ... 
Worth upgrading from Morrow MA4's?
You should be able to hear a difference, but if it was my choice I would switch to a different brand. Call Cable Co. and have them send you some demo's. 
Tell us your worst audio dealer or mfr. experience.
The worst audio experience I've ever had was at Stereo Exchange in NYC. Some water got tracked into the store because it was raining and I slipped and went down right on my ass. Pain like I never felt. 
Need to Contact Angstrom Original Obliggato ????
If I'm looking at the right speakers, the tweeter appears to be made by Focal. Its an inverted titanium dome. You shouldn't have any problems getting one. I would pull the tweeter out and look for a model number. 
Amps for Egglestonworks Andra II or Sophia 2
This is a really difficult situation. The equipment you are considering is very detailed. And because of that, system matching is more difficult than average. On top of it all, to do this right, you pretty much have to listen to anything you buy. ...