
Responses from zd542

Ss integrated w Good to great preamp?
I recommend that you just get a preamp and not an integrated. Its very difficult to make an inexpensive active preamp. If you put the $1500 towards a good used preamp, you should be able to get something that sounds very good. 
Sound room flooring advice needed
This may sound a bit extreme but its something that may work for you. It may be a good idea to not put wood flooring where your equipment rack will be. That will allow you to put the rack directly on the concrete, or put something else down in tha... 
Meridian DSP 7200 - How good is this compared to..
I just re read my first post. I should have been more clear. For me to just say its a waste of money doesn't really help anyone if I don't say why. I'll use my friends system as an example. Its used for mostly theatre and some audio. He has a full... 
Genesis 501s
You have great speakers. I came very close to buying a pair myself. The problem you are going to have is finding something that sounds similar to the G501's. Its going to come down to how picky you are going to be with regards to the theatre porti... 
Integrated amp for Wilson Audio Cub 2's
I have a pair myself. They aren't my main speakers but I do like them because they are a bit more forgiving than the speakers in my main system. A couple of things you have to be careful of with the Cub's is gain and how clean the components upstr... 
what are the Best Direct to amps Digital Players ?
I like the Wadia 270/27ix and the DCS Elgar with the matching transport and upsampler. When I was looking to buy one of the above setups, I put them both in the same room and ended up liking the Wadia a little better. 
Cables more hype than value?
Audiolabyrinth,I know its probably not broken in yet, but I was just wondering what you think of your new PC so far?Bo1972,"Many people who say my hobby is audio often are not even happy with it. This says a lot. So be aware!!!"In many cases, I th... 
Goodtube integrated
"That's got to be extremely frustrating and is something that would never happen with the likes of Rogue, Cary or Manley."Maybe not Rogue or Manley, but I heard Cary changed hands (or something similar) and its not the company it once was. 
Let's Talk Audio Companies
Stereo Exchange is just as bad as Lyric. I haven't been there in a while, but there was a store near the 59th street bridge that didn't seem too bad. I forget the name. In Living Stereo is good, but small. The best place to go is Audio Connection.... 
Best rock bass player
Speaker Cables for Soundlab's &/or Electrostatics
"There are very few cable brands available locally and while the Cable Company provides a great auditioning avenue, rather than throwing darts at their lending library database, I was hoping to find a dartboard with a little less randomness(grin).... 
Harbeth owners and fans
Almost certainly. The only way to see how much of an effect it will have is to try them. Also, any speaker will be effected, not just Harbeth. Most bookshelf speakers are meant to be put on stands and not bookshelves. 
New tubes or new preamp?
Brrgrr,After reading your 2nd post, I don't know if you will get the results you want by getting a new preamp. It looks like you want something to deal with your 3.7's not having a "sweet" type of sound. Getting an LS27 most likely won't help. If ... 
Meridian DSP 7200 - How good is this compared to..
You can do much better than Meridian for a lot less money. My good friend has a complete Meridian system. It just may be the biggest waste of money in audio. I would definitely go with something else. 
New tubes or new preamp?
There's more to a preamp than just the tubes. For me, the preamp is the most important piece in the system. (Providing you don't mess up matching your other components.) Get the LS-27. Its a big upgrade.