
Responses from zd542

Bombaywalla,Well here we are again. This is one of those situations where I'm starting to feel embarrassed for someone else. That would be you. I doubt we can end this but I'll try. Apogee speakerss: Are very difficult to drive. Don't have great b... 
Amarra EQ users please help me.......
I've never used Amarra, but it sounds like you may not have it configured properly. Can you select the type of EQ you want to use? Parabolic, graphic, etc..? If you can, try putting it on graphic/manual. That should allow you to set it however you... 
Does anyone know price & year JVC SEA -M770 and M9
I have a DEQ2496 that I sometimes use for bad recordings. You can set it up so that it can be switched in and out of the signal path. Any decent music store will have many EQ's to choose from, at all different prices. 
Krell FPB 700CX
Yes. It makes it much easier to do a double biwire, especially if you have stiff cables. 
PC recomendation for cd ripping
"My PC is about 4 yrs old. I maybe over thinking this but does the cd/dvd drive of the PC effect the quality (sound) of the FLAC file created when ripping cd's?"I'm not too familiar with Jriver, so I'm not sure how good it is for ripping. If you u... 
"this is one irresponsible statement. Looks to me that you don't know what you are talking about....."Cry baby. Just because you like the speakers that means that everyone has to like them. Maybe if you put the magazines down for a minute and go o... 
Before you buy either speaker, you really have to listen to them. I had the B&W's, but mine were the S3's. You couldn't pay me to listen to those things. You can do so much better for a lot less money. I don't have an exact date, but the S2's ... 
input for a Vinyl newbie
Given your current system, I would start off with something a little better. Even though you are new to vinyl, you are probably not new to audio. With vinyl, a little more money spent with entry level equipment, yields big improvments. Its not lik... 
McCormack 225 vs AR 135 SD
ARC has always been a good match for ProAc, but I haven't heard the model you are looking at. I had a VT100 and a pair of 2.5's. The McCormack is also a good choice, but given your preamp, I think an Ayre V-5 would be a better choice. They go very... 
System too bassy - Primaluna & Usher
I don't see cables even comming close to fixing your problem. Doing it that way is like buying an EQ with only 1 fixed setting. If you can't pull them out more into your room, I would suggest you try adjusting the EQ in whatever music player you a... 
Objective vs. Placebo relating to system changes
Mceljo,I'd really like to know what you think of your new tube amp? Even if you decide that tubes are not for you, its always fun to test a new piece of gear. 
New to turntables - does this gear combo work?
Assuming your TT comes with a cart., the system should work with no problems. 
Sweet spot in the Shunyata power cords line up ?
The sweet spot is the store owners pocket. That's where all your money is. If you want to change the sweet spot, you really need to listen before you buy anything. 
Replace Silver interconnect cable , please advice
I see 2 things you may want to look at. First is break in. Cardas takes a very long time. Second is your PC. There's a very good chance setup is not as good as it can be for audio. If you haven't already done so, try comparing a ripped CD played t... 
Apogee Diva Ribbon Speakers - I need an amp
I've seen several Krell KAV-250's for sale at pretty good prices. I used to have one myself back when it was current. It has tons of power, sounds good and is made in the US. For your speakers, I can't see you going wrong with it.