
Responses from zd542

Need a warm amp for bright speakers
"However I am a little skeptical that I can solve this with just and amp. All ears open for a relative newbie."You did make some mistakes (as we all do) but the above quote is a good call on your part. Don't waste your money on buying an amp to fi... 
Considering upgrading - any recommendations?
I agree with Matmiller. A new integrated would probably be the best upgrade. I had the RX8's myself and ran them with a 5350. It was a great combo. Hard to do better for the money. It won't sound thin like the EVO. I haven't heard the Roksan, but ... 
McCormack DNA-1 problems
Stereo Exchange can fix it. They have a really good service department and they're a dealer. (That's if nothing has changed. I haven't been there in a few years.) 
AAC converted to FLAC streaming internet radio
"But, if the sound does not improve, why bother with the conversion?"Compatibility. For example, FLAC is a very popular lossless format but iTunes doesn't doesn't support it. That forces many people to convert to another format. Doesn't apply in y... 
AAC converted to FLAC streaming internet radio
You can convert to FLAC but it shouldn't sound much different than AAC. Since AAC is lossy, you can't get back the info that was lost on conversion. So, when you convert from AAC to FLAC, the file size is much bigger. But what was added is not mus... 
Vandersteen 5A or Sonus Faber Stradivari Homage
If you are looking for something that sounds warm/forgiving, the SF will probably be a better choice. The Vandersteen uses an aluminium tweeter and is a more detailed speaker overall. That said, the 5A has a lot going for it in other areas. It may... 
Where do audiophiles retire?
"what makes an audiophile different than a wine or art collector ?"About 25k in cables. 
Should I have a separate bank account for PayPal?
"As far as I'm concerned, PayPal is the best thing since sliced bread."Until you have a problem. They lost over $5000 on me. And I mean really lost it and not some type of hold. The only thing they knew for sure is that it wasn't their fault. They... 
Should I have a separate bank account for PayPal?
When PayPal makes a mistake, its your fault, not theirs. 
You can continue to be a novice or do as Yogiboy says. 
Vandersteen Treo's
"Big thanks for this information on Ayre. I'm also interested in the V-5xe. I currently use old 2C's with a Unico SE."I use the V-5. Its really hard to beat. Ayre has a very unique sound. I haven't heard anything else that sounds like it. Most peo... 
How Do I Delete Low Bit Rate Songs From My Library
I'm really glad he liked Tom's answer the best. 
Which system to buy Aragon forte or McCormack?
"Not sure about the McCormack if it's Mosfet or not"I'm pretty sure they use bipolar transistors. 
How Do I Delete Low Bit Rate Songs From My Library
Make bit rate one of the columns displayed in library view. Once you do that, filter everything out until you end up with just the bit rates you want to delete. Once you have them isolated, highlight and delete them. I don't know if Jriver support... 
Why won't my iPad work with my devilsound DAC?
I don't claim to be an expert on this but a couple things come to mind. The first is what format are you sending to your DAC? Maybe its just a compatibility issue. The second is are you sure that you can send a digital signal from the iPod/1Pad at...