
Responses from zd542

Inexpensive tube amp
"I'm using an Vincet hybrid amp now and I have an old mf100 Conrad Johnson I can try as well."Have you gotten any gain related noise with any of the electronics that you have already tried? 
By running speaker calibration volume drops down t
Make sure you have your processor set to stereo for music. If you have it set to multi channel, you wont get all the music. Some of it will be sent to your center, surrounds, and sub. 
"10-28-14: RaymondaI never shop there. They don't pay their employees enough."Maybe if you did some business with them, they could pay better wages. 
Bass Attenuation - best approach
"11-13-14: MartyklIf you haven't tried it yet, you might experiment with room placement. A lot of the bass you hear is coming off the walls, so pulling the speakers out may reduce the overall bass a bit. As you get closer to/further from the walls... 
Will the sound quality deminish over the years?
"11-10-14: MceljoZd542 - I didn't suggest that the change wasn't real. I did, however suggest that when his perspective changed he no longer viewed the Marantz as lacking highs, but rather have a more full mid and bass range. The sound of the Mara... 
Bass Attenuation - best approach
"My understanding of the most obvious fixes include using a good equalizer or going back to bi-wiring and installing resistance in the bass path. What I'm hoping for, then, is some advice regarding the best approach to this issue and will apprecia... 
What cables are you running with your ARC gear
I like Kimber Select for ARC. Audioquest and Tara are also very good. 
Transparent Stereo From Surround Preamp/Processor
If 2 channel is your priority, I wouldn't use a HT preamp. But if you must, Maybe look at a Meridian 861. 
Integrated amps- Hegel H100 or Vincent SV-237?
I would consider getting a different pair of speakers instead. There's no getting around a big strip of aluminum they call a tweeter. But before you buy anything, try this. You can insert resistors at your speaker terminals that will roll off the ... 
The Plasmatron - more linear output voltage
"My friend has specifically mentioned Krell as a company that uses scientifically correct and sound marketing where a EE can truly appreciate something g about the equipment."Your friend might want to re-think that one. If there's one thing we kno... 
The Plasmatron - more linear output voltage
"How much experience do modern EE's have with this old technology? Maybe he needs to do some research. Tubes are probably not covered extensively in Electrical Engineering school although they probably were at one time. Plus this is a unique tube ... 
Will the sound quality deminish over the years?
"11-09-14: PhasecorrectHate to be a buzzkill...but FM frequency cuts out @ 15 kHz...so the improvements attributed to the Nad are largely imaginative...that said, its a very good tuner.""11-10-14: MceljoNonoise - I like how your perspective shifte... 
What would you do?
A new source makes more sense than getting cables. 
from w/w CARPET to WOOD floors
Well, if you cook the pasta al dante, of course its going to fall off. And you're probably using spaghetti, or something else really smooth. If this was for dinner, that's one thing. But for audio, you need to get a rough pasta like rigatoni, and ... 
Have your standards/taste in music changed?
My standards have been on a consistent downward spiral with no end in sight.