
Responses from zaikesman

Giving up on Power Race, and going SET?
Yes, Thomas is very passionate, or at least much more so than me when it comes to gear and audio. As to his less humble rhetoric about who among us is a real music enthusiast, most of the real music lovers I've known weren't even audiophiles at al... 
$4500 amp beat out the Tenor OTL in the latest TAS
Kana813, I am often skeptical about reviewers' abilities to hear and describe in worthwhile ways, and am as critical as anyone of Stereophile's overall failure to live up to its potential as an enthusiast publication - a distinguishing trait match... 
Giving up on Power Race, and going SET?
Twl, I don't consider the word "euphonic" to signify a bad thing qualitatively; only if such a quality is actually masking higher levels of distortion so as to sway a listener into preferring a version of reality which is farther from the truth do... 
$4500 amp beat out the Tenor OTL in the latest TAS
Stereo Review? 
Help please pre-tuner as a stand-alone tuner ???
Well, the wall power wouldn't be going through "stages", just extra wire and contacts, plus a switch. Just try it and see if you can hear a difference. 
$4500 amp beat out the Tenor OTL in the latest TAS
BTW Rcrump, speaking of reviews, congrats on your Stereophile rave by Fremer (and Atkinson!) with the Parasound Halo JC 1's. I once went to audition an HCA-3500 that I ultimately didn't buy, but it was impressive. How much better do these sound to... 
Comparison of Magnepan 1.6QR to the 3.3R
That could be entirely possible - as I said at the top, I haven't made this comparsion - but I just didn't want the blame to be laid at the feet of the ribbons when there are so many other factors involved, and I'm sure Maggie has refined their de... 
Giving up on Power Race, and going SET?
For those of us who enjoy listening at high volumes, but want a relatively compact, easy to place speaker, I'm not sure there is any choice other than to go dynamic drivers/higher power, and ditto for those who prefer panel speakers. In fact, that... 
$4500 amp beat out the Tenor OTL in the latest TAS
Um, doesn't anybody recall HP's little fling with the Widom Audio speakers at about $75K? They don't even make his list these days, and it's been what, a year, a year and a half? (Although to be fair it was JV, not HP, who placed the Tenors at the... 
Inexpensive tweak
Subie: Yeah, I know, but there is a chemical difference between uric acid and urea, so I looked it up, and here's what I've learned: Urea (a byproduct of protein metabolism) is present in much higher quantities in urine, and readily combines with ... 
Comparison of Magnepan 1.6QR to the 3.3R
Just a note: The 2.7's were a "QR" (quasi-ribbon) designated speaker, like the 1.6's. The 2.6R however did have the true ribbon tweeter. From what I unerstand, the biggest fundamental difference between the 3.6 and earlier 3-series iterations is t... 
Early 1970's rock: Name some of your favorites
Yes, Kiss did have some half-decent songs, and even a half-decent album (Destroyer), but I must be just a couple of years younger than Waltersalas, and I can truthfully say (not pridefully say) that I didn't like them even a little back in the day... 
Low end TT vs. Hi end CD
Ron, apparently I misunderstood you, and I am sorry. I thought your post read like dry sarcasm. My apologies. I have not heard either the top CD players or the top turntables, so my opinion is necessarily somewhat speculative and based on limited ... 
Review: Musical Fidelity M-3 nuvista Amplifier
What were the 14K mono's that succeeded it (or didn't, as the case may have been)? Sounds like you've got a reason to pick up the phone and order yourself one of those new Tri-Vista integrateds before they're gone (if they're not already). 
Comparison of Magnepan 1.6QR to the 3.3R
Never compared these directly, but I always loved the 3.3 when it was around, and at the time it was clearly better than the smaller Maggies of its day.