
Responses from zaikesman

VTL, ARC and the 6550C
I use the MB-185 Signatures to drive my Thiel 2.2's with excellent results. The 2.3's are somewhat harder to drive (from John Atkinson's Stereophile measurements), but I think they would probably be well within the 185's capabilities. VTL recommen... 
Tube amp / SS pre or SS amp / Tube pre?
Gee Unsound, that describes my system as of last week...(Well, maybe not the "unlikely but surprisingly" part - and yes, it works fine :-)I have previously posted the same thing Marakanetz is saying: despite the popularity of the tube preamp/SS am... 
Which preamps if any combine all these features?
Update: Hammer77b, you da man. But I did have to exceed my original budget, going up considerably beyond my old limit (and around twice as much above my expenditure already) to get a used Levinson 380S in here. The InnerSound is quite good in many... 
Room correction EQs with omnidirectional speakers?
Rives answer (self-promotion notwithstanding :-) seems comprehensive as far as it goes, but in regards to the original question, I would point out that all dynamic speakers, except those specifically configured as dipole bass radiators (rare), are... 
Speaker priority: high or low???
Good point Unsound. If I decided to drop a really large amount, say $100K, on a new system from scratch, I'd be seriously considering allocating the first big chunk to comprehensive room treatment. In fact, it wouldn't be at all crazy to my mind t... 
Questions about a new Ruby 2 cartridge
My Glider's documentation says "200 to 47K Ohms". Such a range is meaningless by definition. 
Speaker priority: high or low???
Not that I wouldn't rather have a balanced system all at once, but if I were starting out building my 'dream' system (whether to a particular price bracket or not), I'd buy my dream speakers first and work back through the chain. That is the only ... 
Review: Plinius 8200 Amplifier
Chris, I know you'll treasure it even more as you're using it for a pillow when you wind up sleeping in the park... ;^) 
Questions about a new Ruby 2 cartridge
I agree that at some point one just has to conclude that there is a certain setting which represents the most accurate overall response for the cartridge in question, with an 'average' record played back through that system, and any variations in ... 
Questions about a new Ruby 2 cartridge
Tagyerit: Glad to hear my polemics may have had some practical benefit. I agree with your analogy between what some feel is an attractively exagerated sound in a phono cart and what is done to many pop recordings in terms of studio production - on... 
Tube amp for planar speakers and SS pre
Waldhorn, just to be clear (since there has been confusion about this before, even in this thread), the "Linear Field Transducer" used by Eminent Tech is their name for a planar-magnetic driver, similar to what is used in Magnepans (we can defer t... 
Exact Power EP15A/SP15A vs. PS Audio Power Plants
I can sympathize (can't we all?). But don't make the potential mistake of 'misunderestimating' the possible benefits of a BPT. For source components, it can make a bigger difference than upgraded PC's (not a rule with everything, just many). Runni... 
Retail Buying - Reality Check
Peace pipe accepted. I generally try to be as much of a Dr. Jeckyl as I can around here, but can go into Mr. Hyde mode when it comes to poor sales practices, for self-evident reasons, so I guess I'm also likely to be set off if I think one of the ... 
Exact Power EP15A/SP15A vs. PS Audio Power Plants
Thanks A_hayman for your additional input on the EP. I will make an untested-by-me suggestion, based on experience with my own API Power Wedge Ultra, that you might want to check into auditioning EP's new matching BPT (balanced power transformer) ... 
Review: Krell FPB-200 Amplifier
Me too - that's way more than our government has murdered...(I think)...