
Responses from yyzsantabarbara

All around headphone amp recommendations
(2) Colorado Head-Fi Meet Impressions - June 22, 2024 | Headphone Reviews and Discussion - Head-Fi.org  
Persona B Amp Recommendations
The CODA #8 (or #16) and Krell Duo 175XD would be excellent with the Persona. I have heard the Persona a few times and have owned all 3 amps I have listed. For the Persona, my first choice would be the KRELL. The KRELL is super smooth and warmish... 
All around headphone amp recommendations
There is a great headphone amp shootout going on in Colorado this weekend. They will post info on the various amps on the head-fi site. Likely more $$ than the OP wants to spend but a good way to learn about what is out there.. RAAL 1995 headphon... 
Solid State Power Amps
Ok, here’s an opinion — pairing a $25k amp with a $5k preamp is stupid.  Hope that helps.  I resemble that remark. I usually recommend my $2.5k preamp with any amp. My amp is $16.3k MSRP. I have had more expensive preamps before, and they did n... 
external DAC
I think Esoteric and PS Audio both use FPGA for the conversion. I do not have an FPGA DAC bur that is one approach that I want to try one day. It is hard to say one FPGA is better than the other since the software in the FPGA can make the DAC soun... 
Solid State Power Amps
@zuesman  but have you heard the 861 amplifier that's a whole different league better than the 860A V2? I have heard the 861 and it's much better than the 860 A V2. Last Friday, driving back from LAX airport (a nightmare). I stopped by a deale... 
Solid State Power Amps
SimAudio and the Be driver on the Focal may not be a great match. I heard the 860A V2 on Paradigm Persona 5F. While I enjoyed the sound I knew I could not listen for long periods. For a Be driver, I would look at Class A like the KRELL Duo 175XD ... 
Yamaha ns 5000
My setup is Yamaha NS5000 Schitt Yggi+ OG DAC (using fibre optic to stream into USB) Benchmark HPA4 preamp CODA #16 amp (first 100 watts Class A | 150 - 300 - 600) I am good with this setup. It was the Yggi+ OG that really put this over th... 
Non-fatiguing speakers in $10K range?
I can recommend 2 things for $10k that will be excellent. An open box or demo Yamaha NS5000 speaker is great and unique in that it is a cone speaker with all 3 drivers made from the same material. That makes a big difference in the coherence of t... 
Interconnect priority
I think it depends on the gear. I found my preamp and amp on 2 systems are less dependent on the XLR. In both systems I use 15-foot and 25-foot Benchmark XLR. For my sources. I use Audience AU24 SE XLR and RCA. I can hear a difference there.  
Magnepan 3.7i amp pairing
Never but never use subwoofers with magnepan only the dwm panels from magnepan . You must use a power amp like krell the ksa 250, cello duet,viola thats kind of stuff. Never tubes!! I use the fast KEF KC62 sub with my LRS+. I think I cut over a... 
I would rotate the Benchmark AHB2, and my CODA #16 for my 2-channel speakers and every time would say that what I was using was currently using was the best combo. I decided that the power and sweetness of the CODA is what I wanted over the super ... 
Magnepan 3.7i amp pairing
Unrelated to the amps. I took out my 2 acoustic absorption panels in my small office where the first reflection happens. With all other speakers these panels are needed (otherwise fatigue). However, I am finding that with the LRS+ the panels are ... 
Magnepan 3.7i amp pairing
The Sanders Magtech is what I use on my LRS+ and it is the best Class AB amp I I have owned. However, I will use the caveat that it is the best Class AB on the LRS+. On my other speaker, the Yamaha NS5000, the Sanders is not that special. I spoke ... 
Schiit Aegir-Burn in Period
There was a review of the Vidar and Benchmark AHB2. The Vidar did well against the AHB2.  The AHB2 is not one I would recommend with B&W but since you have the Freya+ that would work. If you can make the Aegir work power wise, then that would ...