Responses from yesiam_a_pirate
ARC REF 6 upgraded by ARC. Your point of contact will be Greg Christensen. He's an affable young fellow. Greg said that since the scamdemic everybody is pulling their old gear out of storage and wanting it fixed. Apparently it deteriorates in storage. ie corrosion in the ... | |
Sat front row at the symphony... Once I had the pleasure of some college students playing a 4 instrument string ensemble at my home. The warmth, volume (!) and nuance of 4 string instruments blew me away. My gear couldn't even get close to reproducing that. It was later I conclu... | |
Why a dearth of some brands on the used market? Another consideration is the volume of units produced. Some manufacturers crank out units by the gross, others hand build only a few examples. | |
Stupid Asking Prices- Why Don't Sellers Read Audiogon The Blue Book First? This has been a fun discussion! When money is involved some people really get into their feelings. I enjoy the reasoned responses and the nutty emotional ones as well :) FWIW I like the $100/yr AG Blue Book subscription and the eBay completed sa... | |
Thinking of Magnepan ... finally! A few things from a many Maggies owner since 1977: There is a conspiracy in White Bear Lake MN. Audio Research guys collaborate with Magnapan guys in the depths of winter when there's nothing left to do. therefore; one must drive a Maggie with a ... | |
Old days & steamers vs newer stuff? Apologizing in advance for my ignorance on digital. (I'm a 2 channel tube/ vinyl dinosaur) What is the best uncompressed source to play through this Martin Logan Unison device? Can I use my Pandora on my iPhone linked via blue tooth? (seems like... | |
Stereo or monoblocks It really depends on the designer/builder and your budget. For example the better stereo amps are "split down the middle" designs- isolated R &L channel amps on one chassis and often with separate transformers. Cheaper stereo amps share power ... | |
Bose 901 VI flat? Sorry to hear this Jon. Bose 901s were revolutionary in the 70s. They have traded on that momentum ever sense. I had a dealer buddy who used to say "No highs, no lows...must be Bose." If you are looking for big rock sound the new big Cerwin Vega... | |
what are your top "audio bargins" in your system history? I acquired an Audio Research VT130 as a "throw it in" (that would be for free) while acquiring an SP15. Someone had "adjusted" the left channel tube bias and it was blowing screening resistors. Once that was rectified I was amazed by the depth of... | |
Which ARC ref linestage to try: Ref3, Ref5, Ref5SE? HATE forward sounding systems My advice is to ask your ARC dealer to let you audition an Ref 5 SE and a LS28 at home. I find things sound a lot different at my home than they did in the store. I have an old ARC SP15. I can't switch because it has exactly the roomy detail I p... | |
Ozzy is done I saw Ozzy at The Breakers in Palm Beach late last Saturday afternoon. He looked like hell. However it was the Cavallino Ferrari meet and he was there- and ambulatory which is saying something. Saw Trump too- on Sunday. He's a tall MF'er. Firm han... | |
Has anyone noticed a slow down in sales? Yes there is a slowdown across almost every sector (except free money for Ukraine and what it buys- politicians and military hardware). I have noticed something interesting: In October there were a number of good deals available (under 10K for a... | |
You know when you are dealing with a BS company.... I like my Morrow XLRs. I hate the spamming I get from Morrow's (likely a millennial run) ad department. That being said have you ever had to sell a product to the general public lately? I swear people are getting stuupiderr and stupidere. | |
Ultimate stereo nightmare I'm up there in years too. My knees work when they want to. Wish I was in NYC I'd happily help out an audio guy in need. For me I like to ask my friends at church if they know a guy, after that I ask around at the country club. Definitely labe... | |
Classical music newbie needs your suggestions I was a rock n' roll kid- Bob Seger and Uncle Ted Nugent. The first classical tune that caught my ear was Pachelbel's Cannon in D. I was 18 yrs. old then. Mozart came next and as a student of music (piano and trumpet) I began to slowly mature into... |