Responses from xenolith
Power Amplifiers Threshold Stasis 2...Jon Soderberg updated(also: Threshold SL-10...Jon Soderberg updated, used for it's MC phono stage only...yowzer it's good!) | |
Tube amp output taps; use both? Thanks for the reply Ralph; you're one of the members that I know I can trust the validity of technical information from. Your point about a coloration not found in real life is well taken; thank you. By tightly controlled, I meant that cone excu... | |
Clear Day Cables Speaker Cables Just another endorsement for Clear Day Double Shotgun speaker cables. Two pairs replaced Harmonic Technology Melodyline shotgun biwire cables between our Soderberg updated Threshold Stasis 2 and our B&W Matrix 801 Series 2 (with Van Alstine mo... | |
Clear Day Interconnects Been enjoying Clear Day interconnects between pre-amp (Soderberg updated Threshold SL-10) and amp (Soderberg updated Threshold Stasis 2) for the last month and a half now. While it does require an extended burn-in; I'd say it took 100+ hours befor... |