

Responses from wntrmute2

Why would anyone want 180g records ?
I personally feel I have more non 180 gram recordings that sound better than my 180 and above ones.  I don't let the thickness influence me one way or another.  Those heavy slabs of vinyl really do feel good as you handle them but I don't think th... 
best value current production tonearm
That 8" Starrett level is a joy.  Comes with documentation as to accuracy and adjustment if needed in the future.   
best value current production tonearm
Another vote for the Trans-Fi Terminator!  There are a lot more of us than I thought.  Mine needs a little fiddling with the wiring loom occasionally but that is all to keep it happy.  VTA on the fly, azimuth adjustable (not on the fly) and spare ... 
Direct Metal Mastering ( DMM ) LPs. What is this?
Some say they are harsh and shrill.  I've found them just fine.  I don't let it stop me from buying one and if it a recording I already have and like I may add a DMM to my collection for completeness.  Specifically, Dexter Gordon's One Flight Up a... 
Mint Tractor / Protractor for SME IV arm
I have the SME factory protractor.   Problem one is the pinhole is not in the center of the printed cross.  So that leaves a question.  Use the pinhole or the printed lines?  I contacted SME and got the answer yes the pinhole in the cross is corre... 
Mint Tractor / Protractor for SME IV arm
I have a mint that came with my tonearm (bought here on the 'Gon) and found it perfectly clean and smudge free.  It is very accurate so it seems. Other options are Ken Wills's Accutrak http://http//www.accutrak.usThese are printed on a plastic car... 
Phone stage for VPI Scout 1.1
A friend of mine uses the IPhono stage with stellar results in combination with his Scout/Zephyr.  Well worth the $$.  Smack in the middle of your price range.   http://http//ifi-audio.com/portfolio-view/micro-iphono/ http://http//www.musicdirect.... 
Cleaning records. How often really?
^^  I'm not sure about the compatibility of acetone with record vinyl.  I'll pass although I used to use the Premier stuff on new records and just prior to placing new or used records in the Vinyl Flat for a good long soak.  Oh well! 
MRA : Myth or Menace?
What I don't understand is the lack of belief when those in the record pressing business say there is no release agent in their processes. We just continue with "yes, but". Additional disbelief on my part towards those that swear MRA must be clean... 
MRA : Myth or Menace?
The guys stamping out vinyl like Chad deny there is anything Like MRA. Just sayin'. 
VPI Belt types
There are black belts available as well as the clearish ones. I found that the black ones "feel" more flexible when handled. They are supposed to be quieter some report. My listening room/head/ears are too noisy to be sure of that. I think VPI sup... 
Finding Pure Water for Record Cleaning - very long
Finding Pure Water for Record Cleaning - very long
Sounds perfect for record cleaning! Currently I use reagent grade water with tergitol 15-S-7 and two rinses with the lab grade H2O. Works nicely and cheap as well. No unknown mystery formulas for me. 
Clear audio professional or klaudio record cleaner
Great. I'm excited to hear how the unit works. 
Clear audio professional or klaudio record cleaner
I too am interested in buying one. I am not counting on a step-up transformer though. It would be nice if it works but I'm OK with it running off my dryer or hot water circuit. I suggest a back-up plan if the transformer doesn't work out. A google...