Responses from winoguy17
Amperage? Are you sure your main breaker isn't 150 amps?? I dont see how it could possibly be only 15 for your whole apt.(sounds downright illegal actually)Any way assuming youre only dealing with 15-20 amps, keep your cords to the high side to be safe. | |
Interconnects for 3 a pair thanks for your answer Bruce | |
Interconnects for 3 a pair What exactly is "magnet wire"? | |
Win a power cord. Being this is a charity, how about "The Lord's Chord"? | |
Belle Klipsch VS La Scalla? whatever you decide on Klipsch-wise, you really should try to get a tube pre amp with them,youre ears willthank you down the road.I owned K horns ,la scala and heresy, and they all sounded SO much better with tubes. Good luck | |
Opinion, Yamaha, Denon Preamps from 80s I've had a Denon pra1000 for 16 years, it currently serves in my second system. At the present time, I have no output from 1 channel, but I dont know if Ill bother to fix it. That is the only thing in all the years I had it to go wrong. I always t... | |
Album of the year? Dan Hicks and the Hot Licks "Beatin the Heat"...what a comeback! | |
REGA-VPI JR- LINN- OR ? UNDER $800 Spend a few more $ and get the rega planar 25 NEW!! | |
Buyer Beware! I have done 5 transactions on ebay in last 3 weeks and all went well, maybe Im lucky, but Ive had more problems and wasted emails on audiogon... | |
Buyer Beware! Wasnt everyone a FIRST time seller? Or was your initial transaction your third??? How about the sellers who put in 7bl87vw for zip codes...?seems like there is alot of that lately,and as I prefer to buy locally I like to check the zip I think ebay... | |
considering maggie 1.6's thank you all for your replies, I know this isnt going to be an easy one... | |
Best radio station to find dif. music. WKZE 98.1 out of Sharon Conn. | |
Best MFSL pressing Grateful Dead- American Beauty,not perfect, but better than any of the other pressings/cds I have(of Amer. Beaut.) | |
Worst Music of All-Time Dont tell me you guys (gals) all love Kenny G? | |
Mapleshade Recordings..GREAT or what? I own 7 Mapleshades and only 2 of them have any merit artistically(IMHO).Sonically they all sound good, but the performance isnt worth listening to.Also, they tend to mislead a little; it sounds like youre buying a new release, but some of this st... |