Responses from winoguy17
Can Automatic Tables be OK? Get "the Lift" by Express Maching and keep your belt drive. | |
One Song Before You Go... The Man With The Big Hat by Jerry Jeff Walker | |
buying a stereo for my 16 yr. old I appreciate all of your responses, but as it is going to be a Christmas present, I dont really want to go the used route. Did you like used presents for Christmas when you were a kid? Did'nt think so. I really appreciate the responses pertaining ... | |
Rogue m-120 monoblocs any opinions ? For what it's worth... I sent an e mail to Rogue and it was answered by M. O Brien himself in less than 1 hour. | |
What speakers are replace Klipsch horns? Here comes the lone dissenter... Sell the K horns and pick up a pair of psb stratus golds (under $2000. used) I did several years ago and never once have I regretted the change. The golds are efficient, dynamic and will play loud, and you wont be ... | |
Bookshelf Speakers For 350 Or Less?? new & used The Mission 731 you mentioned is a sweet little speaker and would probably fit her needs perfectly, I think there are some used ones listed on a-gon. | |
New to Vinyl and need immediate help Look for a Conrad johnson pv10a. It is a nice tube pre with a decent phono stage. You could probably find one used in the $600. range. | |
Best speakers for 2000-USED PSB Stratus Gold i's, | |
Ear Candy: Most startling recordings. Try " The Legendary Marvin Pontiac" | |
Rega and VPI tonearm owners - READ THIS Thanks SD I was contemplating starting a thread re: this topic to see if any one had feedback. I have the 600 arm and am considering taking the plunge . Again, thanks. Mike | |
Why No respect for Denon DL160 cartridge I have a Denon DL 207 mc cartridge virtually NIB. I had it re tipped by Denon years ago and havent used it because I changed pre amps and it didnt have enough out put. I do remember what a big step up it was over the ortofons, shures and AT s I ha... | |
Mixing Silver and Copper cables -- Good or bad?? Find a new "highly respected " dealer, as I wouldnt trust any of this ones "advice" | |
C/W music Audiogon members Jerry Jeff Walker " Live at Gruene Hall" a true American classic. For something interesting and new in this vein check out Donna the Buffalo, "Positve Friction" | |
AMERICAN BEAUTY by the Grateful Dead kelly is correct, and the mfsl version of American Beauty is excellent | |
What is your opinion regarding electrostatics? Could'nt disagree more with Edle... While i have not heard the Final, I'd be willing to bet it is superior to an old pair of horns. Good luck |