
Responses from winoguy17

Can Automatic Tables be OK?
Get "the Lift" by Express Maching and keep your belt drive. 
One Song Before You Go...
The Man With The Big Hat by Jerry Jeff Walker 
buying a stereo for my 16 yr. old
I appreciate all of your responses, but as it is going to be a Christmas present, I dont really want to go the used route. Did you like used presents for Christmas when you were a kid? Did'nt think so. I really appreciate the responses pertaining ... 
Rogue m-120 monoblocs any opinions ?
For what it's worth... I sent an e mail to Rogue and it was answered by M. O Brien himself in less than 1 hour. 
What speakers are replace Klipsch horns?
Here comes the lone dissenter... Sell the K horns and pick up a pair of psb stratus golds (under $2000. used) I did several years ago and never once have I regretted the change. The golds are efficient, dynamic and will play loud, and you wont be ... 
Bookshelf Speakers For 350 Or Less?? new & used
The Mission 731 you mentioned is a sweet little speaker and would probably fit her needs perfectly, I think there are some used ones listed on a-gon. 
New to Vinyl and need immediate help
Look for a Conrad johnson pv10a. It is a nice tube pre with a decent phono stage. You could probably find one used in the $600. range. 
Best speakers for 2000-USED
PSB Stratus Gold i's, 
Ear Candy: Most startling recordings.
Try " The Legendary Marvin Pontiac" 
Rega and VPI tonearm owners - READ THIS
Thanks SD I was contemplating starting a thread re: this topic to see if any one had feedback. I have the 600 arm and am considering taking the plunge . Again, thanks. Mike 
Why No respect for Denon DL160 cartridge
I have a Denon DL 207 mc cartridge virtually NIB. I had it re tipped by Denon years ago and havent used it because I changed pre amps and it didnt have enough out put. I do remember what a big step up it was over the ortofons, shures and AT s I ha... 
Mixing Silver and Copper cables -- Good or bad??
Find a new "highly respected " dealer, as I wouldnt trust any of this ones "advice" 
C/W music Audiogon members
Jerry Jeff Walker " Live at Gruene Hall" a true American classic. For something interesting and new in this vein check out Donna the Buffalo, "Positve Friction" 
AMERICAN BEAUTY by the Grateful Dead
kelly is correct, and the mfsl version of American Beauty is excellent 
What is your opinion regarding electrostatics?
Could'nt disagree more with Edle... While i have not heard the Final, I'd be willing to bet it is superior to an old pair of horns. Good luck