
Responses from williewonka

Dedicated power supply and upgraded power cable
Oooopsy 👀 Many Thanks 👍  
Can one use assymetric wire gauge for speaker cable construction?
There is one caveat pertaining to asymmetric cables and that is they DO NOT work well with amplifiers that adopt a balanced symmetrical differential design. i.e. - where both speaker output terminals carry the same signal, but 180 degrees out of ... 
Dedicated power supply and upgraded power cable
Generally - the better the power supply in a component then the better the power cable has to be in order to achieve any benefit. But in todays world, with the advances in the wire used, the insulation used and the geometry of the power cables - ... 
Can one use assymetric wire gauge for speaker cable construction?
@audio_phool - The speaker cables I and many others have built use 2 x 16 gauge solid UP-OCC copper wire (or 2 x 14 gauge) for the signal and 1 x 10 gauge Silver plated stranded Mil-Spec wire for the Neutral wire and they sound excellent Here’s ... 
Duelund conversion to DIY Helix Geometry Cabling
@wyan001 - the Absolute Harmony plugs are extremely low mass with an extremely small contact area and use a pure copper and a heavier layer of silver coating than most other plugs and they also have a very different impedance to other plugs, so I ... 
Duelund conversion to DIY Helix Geometry Cabling
Just found these Atlas XLR plugs with silver plated OCC Cooper pins - I would have to believe that is about as good as XLR's get. https://www.analogueseduction.net/xlr-plugs-attenuators-and-adaptors/atlas-all-cu-xlr-plugs.html  These AECO LR's w... 
Duelund conversion to DIY Helix Geometry Cabling
@wyan001 - XLR or Single ended - that is the question. Perhaps this is where synergy comes into play? I know that some prefer the XLR verson, while others prefer the Single ended version. But they all state that the improvements of one over the ... 
Duelund conversion to DIY Helix Geometry Cabling
@wyan001 - I’ll leave any comments on the USB cable to @grannyring since it his design and I have NO experience with this particular cable The XLR design on my web site is from another DIYer in Europe and is a single/single design. I am not sure... 
PC for Gryphon Diablo 300
I had the opportunity to hear a Gyphon integrated in a $50k system a few years back and I was very impressed. The owner also had an Ayre pre + amp and he liked the gryphon a lot. One word of caution - these are great amps, but both these amps had... 
Straight Wire Blue Thunder PC
They are mediocre at best - Better than stock power cables, but - they are made with OFC cdopper - UP-OCC coper far superior - they appear to use a conventional geometry, so a higher noise floor than other options - they have cheap plugs with b... 
Lossless DFPC power cord
I would recommend the Zevfino range of cables for Simaudio gear - they are very dynamic and will allow the Simaudo dynamics and clarity to really shine Take a look at these two https://zavfinousa.com/collections/power-cables/products/the-majesti... 
Luna Cables MAUVE Cables..The Holy Grail Of Cables ?..
Are they the Holy Grail ? Not quite - I took at look at their website and while they use a unique approach to the dielectric used - they use "tinned copper" for the actual wire and a pretty conventional cable geometry, which would provide medio... 
Component grounding
I installed the nylon washer between the chassis and the ground wire ring. Perhaps the wire should be next to the chassis and the nylon washer placed on top of it - and not in between the wire and the chassis? I am assuming it is a metal screw... 
PC for Gryphon Diablo 300
@questforhifi - The Gryphon Diablo does not have a 20 amp socket, so why the AQ 20 amp cable? Take a look at the Zevfino range of cables - they would suit the Gryphon amp very well. Regards - Steve  
Component grounding
@rfprice - obviously there is some pretty strange grounding issues at play here and without being there it is difficult to advise on a solution RE:.. I noticed that the hum kicked in when I connected the interconnects from the DAC to the integr...