
Responses from williewonka

TT Recommendation
My choice in this price range is the Music Hall 11.3 because MH has included many of the features that makes for a truly outstanding turntable - such as... music hall’s unique quadruple-plinth design with improved TPE vibration isolation new f... 
KLE changes
I just looked them up on Parts Connexion and they are priced at $175.00 CDN for a 4 pack - OUCH ! They also have the Absolute Harmony marked as "discontinued". However, the list from the KLEI Site includes KLEI™Classic Harmony RCA Plug KLEI™... 
What are your favorite recordings that sound best to you?
@esputnix - regarding your statement What would be the best sounding records you have ever listened to that sound best to you  Mainly older recordings, many of them with clicks and pops, that fade into oblivion once the music starts.  They ar... 
What say you?
Wow! - with this debate NEVER end? For every dealer that denounces performance cables you can find several more that will support their use/price. Dealers (like the chap in the video) are simply another person with an opinion - they are not an e... 
KLE changes
Whilst I have promoted KLE Innovations products tirelessly on this forum, e.g. I use the Absolute Harmony on all of my interconnects I use their Banana plugs on my speaker cables Even I would have to ask, just how much better could this RCA ... 
Interconnects matching
@teh_chucksta - Definitively a +1 for the Zavfino Especially if you go with their UP-OCC copper (as a minimum). UP-OCC copper is more articulate than the other coppers (e.g. OFC) used by many brands. This translates to improved details, clarity... 
Should I upgrade my TT wiring?
@1111art  - You might do better to have KLE Innovations Classic Harmony RCA ($48) or Silver Harmony RCA ($72) plugs installed on the existing cables and you will hear an improvement. Regards - Steve  
Need help on phono stage
@walstib - Checkout the Simaudio Moon 310 - it will definitely allow the cartridge to show what it can do. Or checkout it’s predecessor the Moon LP 5,3 RS You might get lucky and find a previously enjoyed one like this one MOON by Simaudio 310L... 
Upgrading your system three options DAC, Cartridge or speaker cables???
@lobinero - If you want to get the very best out of the Node2i I can recommend getting some quality cables - i.e. Power cables + Interconnect - like those from Zavfino The Fusion - Solid Pure Silver & OCC Copper - ZavfinoUSA Power Cables - Z... 
Digital power cord for tube amp?
Take a look at the Zavfino power cords - they are amazingly fast because they use UP-OCC copper - or even silver if oyu have the budget They are well suited for digital components because of their dynamic performance, whihc is also due to their a... 
looking to upgrade - identify the weakest link?
@ex-mtairy - What cables are you using, because they are probably your weakest link.  Good cables will  improve dynamics clarity & details bass extension/depth and texture image and artist placement venue acoustics i.e. echoes and reve... 
Upgrade power cable on video game console
I have good power cables on all of my electronics and it makes a difference @funkbass4   Few years back I put a better cables on my Sony TV - I didn't really notice any difference, but when my wife came home she asked "what have you done to the T... 
Power Cable for PS Audio Stellar Phono Stage
+1 for Zavfino Made with UP-OCC copper - very dynamic and detailed has a low noise floor  perfect for phono stage has a well thought out cable geometry - not your normal PC's uses good plugs These are GREAT bang for the buck Regards - Steve  
Silver v Copper wire phono cable
@jw944ts  +1 for Silver - it provides better dynamic performance and improved details and as a result the image becomes more lifelike and with more precision placement of artists. Also the micro details they convey bring out more of the venue aco... 
Duelund conversion to DIY Helix Geometry Cabling
@norco74 - I didn't bother with any special handling or cleaning because I wanted to see how the bare copper fared without it. There as an initial very slight loss of brightness of the copper, but in the last 6 months the colour has not changed a...