
Responses from williewonka

Looking for speakers under 30" tall.
Neat Motive or Kudos X2 - hmmmm a tough choice indeed.I have heard both but with about a year in between auditionsIf I recall correctly correctly,  the Neat are probably a little bit more detailed and the Kudos are maybe  a little more musical i.e... 
Looking for speakers under 30" tall.
How is 30.7087" (that's 780mm) - Kudos X2Superb speakers for the sizeGood Luck 
Relationship of amplifier sound to transformer quality?
Bombaywalla - my apologies - the post was poorly worded.I was attempting to use metaphors that people without detailed electrical backgrounds could relate too - I obviously failed.My intention of using the "reservoir" metaphor was to communicate t... 
Relationship of amplifier sound to transformer quality?
Another factor in transformer selection....The transformer acts like a reservoir for electrical energy.When loud, dynamic music (very fast, like drums) is encountered, the energy required to realistically reproduce that instrument is provided init... 
Ebony Denon DL 103. 50 years too late?
+1 for the Soundsmith retip I started with a standard Denon DL103 and was hookedI then purchased a DL103 directly from Soundsmith, already mod’d with the contact line stylus + ruby cantilever and have never looked back.I found setting it up with ... 
What in the world is going on.....
Stringreen, can you be more specific as to the term lousy  as compared to the mp3...Was it distorted, less dynamic, lacked clarity, poor imaging - get my drift?My guess is it is a poor pressing and you should probably return it.I've had pressings ... 
Cable Controversy
Psag, I, like you, believed balanced were the best solution.Then I  got the opportunity to compare a 2 meter Kimber Kable silver balanced IC to a 1 meter KLE Innovations gZero3  single ended IC on a very  nice Ayre/Magic system.The gZero3 sounded ... 
Integrated Owners: I Need an Excellent Power Cord
KLE Innovations has just announced their power cable.If it is anywhere near as good as their other cables it should be a contenderRegards 
Cable Controversy
One thing I discovered about some pretty high profile cable manufacturers is - their speaker cables can actually degrade an amp’s performance to the point of failure.This applies to speaker cables that have a high capacitance - they should NOT be ... 
Has anyone had any luck with Lovan equipment racks?
Had one for around 5 years and very satisfied with it.I've upgraded the turntable and amp shelves to 3/4" mdfI also added sorbothane damping to the struts between the posts to stop them ringing.They do a great job of eliminating vibrations.Regards 
New Room (from House to Apt) advice wanted on minimizing complaints
How serious do you want to get?checkout i.e. Google "Green Glue" it allows you to mount a second layer of drywall and provides dramatic reduction of noise transfer without the loss of realestate. The website has mounting details.You can get mass l... 
Looking for IC and speaker cable suggestion
Cygnus, here’s my two cents worth- KLE Innovations- Anitcables If you are not afraid of getting your hands dirty here is a DIY solutionwww.image99.net/blogthey perform extremely well and reside in my system, KLE Innovations gzero6 speaker cables b... 
Cable Controversy
Some light reading.....www.image99.net/blogBTW - these are extremely good cables.But if you are not into DIY there are some great alternatives...- KLE Innovations- Anticablesregards 
First "audiophile" system, now what? Any easy fixes here?
Etwilley, you are in about the "same place" I was a few years ago.I fealt that the system components were adequate, but believed there were some areas that needed to be addressed.I started looking into cables and started by upgrading the power sid... 
Strange Oscillation
Falconquest - much of this thread points to issues unrelated to my comments below, but there are a couple of comments which made me wonder....I do have first hand experience with a problematic Ayre amplifier and internal osculation issues.The amp ...