
Responses from willemj

Spotify or Pandora
Jond,The extent to which Flac can compress does depend a lot on the type of music and the recording. The BBC broadcast was classical music (the Proms) with a great dynamic range. That allows far more compression than pop music mastered loudly.Are ... 
What makes you build a system around an amplifier?
My first speakers, many years back, were Quad esl57s. At the time, there was no other speaker in the world that was as neutral and revealing. However, they had a nasty habit of not liking (i.e. destroying or being destroyed by) the vast majority o... 
Computer Speakers
I use a pair of Harbeth P3ESR on my desk, and they sound glorious. However, they are expensive for a desktop speaker, and I can only justify them, I think, because I actually use them at least as much as my main speakers in the living room. This s... 
Suggest a new amp/preamp/Dac streaming combo
However, many DACs now have a variable output (and some, like the Marantz and Benchmark units that I mentioned even have an analogue input). With these, all you need is a power amplifier. Personally, I don't use any analogue sources anymore now th... 
Suggest a new amp/preamp/Dac streaming combo
I think dedicated network players are going the way of the Dodo, just as dedicated wordprocessors once did (remember those?). After all, each time a new service is introduced, either the service provider or the player manufacturer will have to dev... 
Open Floor Plan Listening Room
I have two recommendations to make. The first is to go for at least two smaller subwoofers instead of one big sub. In most situations that produces a far more even response. See here for some reading: http://www.acousticfrontiers.com/20101029using... 
Has anyone made the jump to $uper High end and were disappointed?
However, the argument here is whether these high priced units are actually Porsches or just Honda’s in fancy dress, or even Lada’s for that matter. To be precise, the latter is actually my view on a lot of audiophile gear (esp. vinyl or tubes). 
Has anyone made the jump to $uper High end and were disappointed?
To follow up on the last two posts. My recent upgrades have been cheap and made a real difference. The first was when I had moved from my Quad els57 speakers to the less efficient 2805’s and in a rather larger room, and my old 2x45 watt Quad sound... 
Room Acoustics
The room is small so the biggest problem will be room modes. Foam and the like will do nothing to tame them (only large bass traps for which you probably do not have the space will). The first thing you should do is measure the room with e.g. REW.... 
Has anyone NOT listened to their system for a long time?
I do like to hear my music, but from time to time I am working abroad for a few months and even up to a year. For that I have used secundary systems with speakers like the legendary LS3/5a or now the Harbeth P3ESR, but restrictions on air travel l... 
Looking for a reasonably priced good quality interconnect
Has anyone made the jump to $uper High end and were disappointed?
The crux of the matter will be if they are willing to submit their casual observations to the rigours of scientific methodology. I do not doubt that they genuinely believe that they hear the differences that they hear. The question is whether they... 
Do I need a preamp/processor?
See here for Oppo's view: https://www.oppodigital.com.au/blogs/reviews-resources/15420449-using-your-oppo-as-a-pre-amplifierThere is really no technical reson not to do this.The backend of the unit is just  a high quality DAC with volume control a... 
Has anyone made the jump to $uper High end and were disappointed?
I think there is indeed a point of zero marginal returns, and that point is lower than many here are willing to accept. The only component that really makes a big impact on the sound and is also expensive is the speakers (and their interaction wit... 
Downsizing Speakers in Main Listening Room - Your Feedback on Some options
I am with Yogiboy on this. I love the P3ESRs in my study (much better than the original LS3/5a that I also own). However, I think in a room of this size the M30.1 would be more suitable. I tried my P3ESRs in our big lounge and although they sounde...