Responses from whitestix
300b lovers Charles, Evidently more use this splendid octal tube than I was aware of. There are lots of ways to get to sonic splendor and Don advocates one particular approach that is clearly favorable to my ears. Owners of Ralph or Rogers' gear might sa... | |
300b lovers Gavin, Don is licensing the production of his Valhalla integrated amp that owners on this forum have praised. I recall that the Valhalla amp is one of several that Clayton Shaw uses to demonstrate the best aspects of his speakers. I am the le... | |
300b lovers Charles, My friend in Italy got the Nenuphars and has been been overwhelmed with the sound of them. I got their little brothers, the Jazzon, after hearing them at Axpona. | |
300b lovers As I mentioned, I am going to attend the Seattle Audio show to hear Don and Clayton's latest gear and will be booking a room at the venue on Saturday night, June 24. If anyone of you AGer's are interesting in attending solo, I'd be up for sharing... | |
300b lovers Oddiofyl, I did the same when I bought the inexpensive Willsenton 300b integrated amp, having never heard a 300b amp, but was aware of their sonic attributes and it opened my ears to the joy of this tube type. I have the Willsenton amp in my bed... | |
300b lovers Good gosh, were I to get 11 years out of 300b tubes, I'd be extremely happy as would my pocketbook. ;-) I added some fans in my audio rack to ally some of the heat generated by the tubes. As I say, I am willing to play to play for this degree o... | |
300b lovers Charles, Thanks as always for your positive comments; you set the high mark for thoughtful and erudite comments on this forum, once and always the most generous and civil gentleman on all audio matters. It would be a delight to meet you one day.... | |
300b lovers The sound of these amps continues to blossom by the day, providing the most realistic sound presentation I have ever heard in my room. The images are palpably real with a pure tonal correctness to the music. I forgot what Don sourced for the sto... | |
2023 AXPONA Show Report I’m heading out from CA for the show again this year. The only gear on my wish list are Tannoy Cheviot speakers. Maybe the T&A DAC, too. I am going to make a week of it and spend time exploring Chicago. Cool city for sure. | |
Connectors from cross-overs to drivers question Gents, I got the soldering iron out and soldered those crossover leads to the driver tabs -- no more crappy connectors in my speakers. I actually think the speakers sound a little clearer and more robust in the LF. Incredibly, I did not burn my... | |
Connectors from cross-overs to drivers question Mucluv, I have decided to solder the connections and your solder recommendation is appreciated. What temperature do you recommend for this solder? Dougthebiker, I worry both about damaging the driver with the heat of the soldering iron as well... | |
Connectors from cross-overs to drivers question Eric, That's the tool was was looking for, thanks. I guess I will get the soldering iron out. I have never finished a soldering job without burning myself and doubt this time it will be any different. However, soldering the wire to the driver ta... | |
Need advice with clicking noise from my tube amp Gents, I got the amp back from the tech and have been playing it all day. The clicking noise is gone, but I'll see if it returns tonight. I appreciate all the suggestions and will keep my fingers crossed. | |
Need advice with clicking noise from my tube amp It started a couple of weeks ago and I noticed it several nights in a row. If it is a hamster (hard to imagine one in my area) operating nearby, is there anything I can do, system-wise, to alleviate the issue? Perhaps I should stroll around the ... | |
Looking for advise with selecting next integrated amp Definitely +1 on the Kinki recommendation. Check out the reviews; they are uniformly very positive. |