
Discussions whatjd has started

Good, classic Christmas music link...you will have to get through the commercial intro..8798
A person I would like to thank/mention in the history of the high end,293419
Have you given Audio/Stereo equipment as gifts?10547
Has "politically correct" killed the used audio market?15345201
Question(S) about Avalon speakers..10056
Non-Standard Christmas/Holiday Music I like, ..and yours?158018
a Jazz Holiday music link....hope it works5802
With the Holidays, what are your favorite films for the season?.........194531
What have you liked in these works....8846
A different Diana Krall CD/SACD, "The Girl in the Other Room"12015
Is there any merit in former SOTA gear, 197314
Seeking help on my High-End knowledge/history...24637
What do you no longer have that you would enjoy a night to listen to again?224017
Your thoughts and experience with getting the best FM reception/signal?13477
Biggest "pleasant surprise" components you have owned?179618