
Responses from wc65mustang

Preamp Deal of the Century
Good morning. Anybody roll the ECC88 tubes in their Grange? If so, what do you like and/or dislike? Source would be appreciated also. Thanks in advance to all respondents.Bill 
Help with cartridge selection
4yanx is correct on the Shure. The Shure V15 (whatever it's nomenclature is now) and Denon 103 series represent the best "values" in lower price phono cartridges IMO. 
Do you think you need a subwoofer?
RaulExcellent post!!!!! 
Help with cartridge selection
The Shelter 501 is a nice cartridge but not particularly well suited to unipivot tonearms and the JMW-9 is no exception. The Sumikos, Shures, Dynavectors, Benz Micros, and Cartridge Man Music Maker 3 are all better matches. 
Silver vs. Cooper speakers cables
Sm23Chump I still have the Indra and it remains the finest interconnect in existence. Read my prior post please. It's a JOKE!! You need to get out more. :-)PS the Corvette is a joke too. I'm a Lexus kind of guy. 
Help with cartridge selection
I agree with the recommendation on the 17D2 MkII Karat; you might also try the Sumiko Blackbird but don't spend your life savings on a cartridge. The JMW-9 limits what you can use. 
Silver vs. Cooper speakers cables
Sm23ChumpStill the best interconnect on the planet. How are those Bose 901's working out for you? 
Preamp Deal of the Century
Ecclectique, Yes PX4 direct heated triodes plus 76 in place of the standard 6SN7 (huge difference) and a few other minor tweaks. It is the only Grange of its kind in the world. Audio has been a hobby of mine for 42+ years and words cannot describe... 
Preamp Deal of the Century
Just received my tricked up Grange last week. Order was placed in late November. Be patient; it is well worth the wait. 
What is your most beautiful component?
1A. Supratek Grange1B. Oracle CD-2000 
AR LS7 v SP14
I can't speak to the SP14 but I owned the LS-7 for less than a year. It is one of AR's weakest efforts although none of their linestages (and power amps for that matter) are particularly noteworthy. Given other choices such as Joule, VAC, and even... 
Silver vs. Cooper speakers cables
>>I asked an assitant to connect a friend of mine named Cooper<<Is that Alice, Anderson, or Gary Cooper? 
Silver vs. Cooper speakers cables
I'll admit I use to use silver cables. Upon reaching the age of 40 I was overcome by vanity (yes it's true) so I bought a new Corvette, joined a health club, and switched to copper cables. I don't recommend this for every man but it's turned me in... 
Manley Neo Classic 250 Monoblock
To Holm AudioWhy don't you get a billboard and a flashing neon light? 
Silver vs. Cooper speakers cables
>>and a pair of Krell mono block pictures<<Thank goodness you're only throwing in pictures. If you gave the amps themselves, you would be overwhelmed with returns. As a matter of fact, keep the pictures. :-)