
Responses from wc65mustang

Quad ESL 989 and Maggie 3.6s
Yes two subs are necessary. As I mentioned in an earlier post in this thread, do a search for member Rauliruegas and read what he has to say. He's done extensive research on the issue and you'll find a great deal of information. Have fun. 
Vinyl Cleaning Fluid for VPI RCM
EDTA's chemical name is ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid. Dow Chemical's brand name is Versene; there are a handful of other manufacturers. EDTA and its'salts (Disodium and Trisodium EDTA) are used extensively in the personal care, food, and water ... 
Quad ESL 989 and Maggie 3.6s
HighdudgeonCongrats. Do yourself a favor and scrap the factory supplied power cords and get a pair of decent (you don't need to break the bank) power cords. I was using Stealth Cloude Nine, which are pure silver, with great results. I also liked t... 
Best tube pre-amp below US $ 10.000,00 ?
You know if you guys moved to Massachusetts, everything would be much simpler. 
Preamp Deal of the Century
That's right Ray. As you would say "Hee Hee". 
Preamp Deal of the Century
I mentioned Mick's thoughts, albeit in less detail, in another thread about 2 weeks ago. Maybe your posting will get more attention and stop all of this unnecessary experimentation. 
Best tube pre-amp below US $ 10.000,00 ?
Frankpiet I sure it's in the same "league" but I've never heard any of them in a direct A/B comparison with my gear which in the ONLY way to know; the bottom line is, it depends on what YOU like. Don't be concerned with reviews and retailers where... 
Best tube pre-amp below US $ 10.000,00 ?
FranpietI dunno. The only way to determine that is to audition each of them in your system. Hearing them side by side by side at a dealer would be helpful provided the amplification and speakers were similiar (ideally identical) to your own. Howev... 
Best tube pre-amp below US $ 10.000,00 ?
Supratek. Hand built, point to point, and gorgeous. The phono stage in my Supratek absolutely murders my previous phono stage, Aesthetix Rhea, no contest. Downside is you'll wait at least 3 and up to 6 months. That being said, I'm glad I waited. 
Is my cartridge the problem?
What have I gotten myself into?A neverending search for the elusive Holy Grail.:-) 
Quad ESL 989 and Maggie 3.6s
Kw6I own Silverline Grande La Folia. Preceding the Quad 988 (2000-2005) were Apogee Caliper (1988-2000), Ohm F (1975-1988), and Bose 901 Series 1 (1971-1975).Be aware that Quads are not ideal speakers for all types of music and amplifiers. Be sure... 
Breaking Bang&Olufsen Beogram RX2
Unless you have a strong emotional attachment to the RX2, it's probably time for an upgrade. The RX2/MM(fill in 1,2,3,4, or,5) will never give you what is available today at a modest price IMO. 
Quad ESL 989 and Maggie 3.6s
Quads and Maggies are both great speakers with different strengths and weaknesses. Positioning is critical for both. However, an evaluation of the 988 with either a Pass or Quad II amplifier will not truly reveal their capabilities. IMO, Quads sou... 
Is my cartridge the problem?
The cartridge is not the problem, it's the arm. Your tonearm is basically an entry level unit; although it may track the Denon 103 and other more expensive cartridges,it will not track them well enough to fully realize their potential.Save your pe... 
Which is better - S/PDIF Coaxial or AES/EBU
Depends on the transport, dac, and cable. The transmission and receiver chips are different for AES/EBU and S/PDIF; that's why the same transport/DCA combo usually sounds a bit different with AES/EBU and S/PDIF.