
Responses from wc65mustang

What's the "worst" cdp for the money?
>>" the difference between a $500 cd player and a $5000 cd player is not very big"<<Totally disagree. There's a huge difference if your other components are up to the challenge. 
How To Improve B&W N802 Bass Response?
>>Buying subwoofers for high caliber speakers like the N802s is unnecessary.<< Auaarons is way off base (no pun intended) here. Virtually every speaker system benefits from a subwoofer IF: The subwoofer is carefully matched with the ma... 
what's your favorite album cover?
"Strange Days" by the Doors. BTW Gardengirl, the Beatles butcher cover you allude to is from "Yesterday and Today" not "Rubber Soul".Yes, "Satanic Majesties Request" is the Stones album with the 3D cover; if you look very closely, you will see all... 
Thin speaker cable
There is absolutely no correlation between thin wire and its' ability to provide low frequency response. Ignore that tidbit. 
Audience AU24, are they good?
Love ya' Cello.WC 
Audience AU24, are they good?
>>You have a habit of speaking about subjects you do not know about.<<Quite the contrary my friend; let me enlighten you a little bit. Here is a quote from the Stealth Audio website. Remember these are the engineeer/owner's comments no... 
What is your idea of a Perfect Album?
Abbey Road 
Audience AU24, are they good?
Power cords take significantly fewer hours to break in than signal carrying wires. No power cord in the world takes anywhere near 1000 hours. 
Supratek Tubes and Tube Swappin' for Everybody
Raytheprinter says "are very knowledgeable and very helpfull guys ,,,please be nice"Knowledgable is relative and helpful is questionable; the fact remains that the designer and builder does not recommend what these quasi audiophiles are doing. So ... 
Supratek Tubes and Tube Swappin' for Everybody
>>Pick your poison sir.<<I will go with the owner and designer of the equipment not an amateur audiophile with mid-fi knowledge and components "Sir". 
Audience AU24, are they good?
>>they are just as important as interconnects and speaker cables...<<I respectfully disagree with you. Whereas I do not discount the importance of power cords (there are significant differences among them) the signal carrying wires hav... 
Supratek Tubes and Tube Swappin' for Everybody
>>Mick's comments have a lot of merit.<<Do you think? I'm sure he'll be glad to hear you approve. I would suspect the designer has a better idea than any of us as to what works and what doesn't. 
Supratek Tubes and Tube Swappin' for Everybody
You might think twice before fooling around with the 5881. I emailed Mick about tube rolling for my Grange and this is the reply:"The best thing to change is the ECC88- it makes a real difference. People have changed the 5881's and 5AR4 but what t... 
What's the funniest song you ever heard?
"They're coming to take me away" by Napoleon XIV. Funny enough by itself but the flip side on the original 45 rpm release is the same "song" backwards. That's funny. 
Reviews with all double blind testing?
Tvad writes =If that's not criteria for entry into the audiophile club, I'll happily not belong.="I would never join any club that would have me as a member"-Groucho Marx