
Responses from wc65mustang

Do you play an instrument? Helps in speaker eval?
Makes no difference.You like what you hear or you don't.The discerning ear crap is just that, crap. 
VPI 3D tonearm
Anybody tired of VPI tonearm upgrades? This is the worst tonearm series in the high end end audio market constantly being re-invented and/or upgraded. And Stringeen is the worst shill.Nice tables-lousy tonearms. 
wht is the difference between good and bad sound ?
Stupid question 
why no recent Merlin speaker reviews?
An irrelevant manufacturer. Dozens like it.Move on. 
Shootout: Raidho C3.1 vs Vivid Giya 2
Agree with Swamp and Shakey but at least he didn't post under his non-commercial moniker, audiofreakgeek, which is generally used to hide his dealer identity. 
Question on FR 66s
Unfortunately you just did. 
Clever Lil Clock - What's up with this?
>>Is this a joke or am I missing something here<<No joke and if you're not careful you'll be missing $199 
Recommend used digital source for $3K used
Readers of this thread should disregard previous comparisons of the tube technology dac to Esoteric. I own the X-01 and the tube technology sounds slow, sluggish, and lethargic alongside it. In no way, shape, or form is the tube technology dac in ... 
Tube virgin no more
Yessir, I have a pair of 50WPC 300B monoblocks. Should I sell them?:-) 
Tube virgin no more
Yeah Warren me too. My Defs are scheduled to arrive on Tuesday so I'm just going to refuse the delivery and check out the Fertins. Glad I saw this thread. 
Why is there no Mid End
Nrchy hit the nail directly on the head. Funny stuff!! One "attaboy" for you. Happy New Year. 
The Debate's Not Over
>>let's compare Smokey with Monkey<<Why stop there? How about solid state and vacuum tubes, digital and analog, copper and silver, moving magnet and moving coil, unipivot and fixed bearing, solid core and stranded, direct drive and bel... 
VooDoo Cables ?
>>this have to be one of the best kept secrets out there<<As good a secret as the Xtreme and Reality cables you've told us about. Give us a clue to your next secret. I love a good puzzle. 
Decision between Zu Definition OR VS DB99
Thank you gentlemen. I am eagerly awaiting the arrival of my Definitions which should be here late next week.Happy New Year to both of you!! 
The Debate's Not Over
>>BTW, even Dylan says Smokey was a better poet/songwriter<<The volume of Dylan's work, longevity, and the number of songs covered by other artists speaks for itself. You're fighting a battle with one arm tied behind your back. And do ...