

Responses from waytoomuchstuff

Why Do You Post?
Even on its WORST day, this forum is like working all day in a pair of steel-toed work boots, then coming home and slipping into a pair of comfortable slippers.  It’s refreshing to visit a site where the major challenge of the day is how to best d... 
How Electricity Actually Works
I ordered a kite, some string, and a key off of Ebay last week.   I'll let you know how it turns out.  
Has anyone heard the newest version of the Klispschhorm?
@cleeds +1  
Has anyone heard the newest version of the Klispschhorm?
@ sns.  As they say in hot rodding: "There's no substitute for cubic inches". In this case, there's no substitute for larger midrange throat area.  
Has anyone heard the newest version of the Klispschhorm?
@sns "My Klipschorns are fully modded," So, are you getting them boosted every 6 months to deal with the new strands of audio distortion? I do a pretty "deep dive" into K'horn mods myself.  Hope we can laugh together on this one?  
I wrote/mailed tax checks today...
@jssmith Thank you.  I feel better now.  
Audiophiles on Audiogon.
@wyoboy So glad someone actually looked at the video.  Hope it helps.  I read somewhere that wine pairs pretty well with music.  
Audiophiles on Audiogon.
The point here is that the more you know about the music and the equipment that brings that music to your living room, the more you'll appreciate all things connected to it.  We (audiophiles) have all had our moments, whether incremental or an eve... 
Audiophiles on Audiogon.
Hello, jackhifiguy, Maybe this will help? This is part of the training materials I put together for our staff of audio consultants years ago to make sure they understood why we are here.    
What should I expect after installing a new power management system?
Hello, emergingsoul If you can get a "Niagra quality" power management center and appropriate power cables installed in your system for evaluation, I would do so. I would suggest, however, that you either a) wear some Depends, or b) have an extr... 
I wrote/mailed tax checks today...
My wife tried to warn me that yesterday's attempt at humor would be an epic fail.  She is a wise woman. I'll tlry to do better next time.  
I wrote/mailed tax checks today...
I'm intrigued by the transition from the checkbook to electronic banking. If someone has more information on this subject and is willing to fax it to me, I'd really appreciate it. Thank you.  
Audiophile Grade Wall Receptacle
@rsf507 Glad you had the opportunity to get your hands on various premium outlets and develop your own viewpoint .  That's a pretty strong commitment in time and energy (literally).  I'll simply say that the AQ Edison got me from zero to 60 in abo... 
Audiophile Grade Wall Receptacle
The addition of the Audioquest NGR Edison may be, dollar for dollar, the best bang for the buck I've ever spent on my system.  I was expecting "something".  Wasn't expecting anywhere near the magnitude of sonic improvement they delivered. Have go... 
Can a great system make a mediocre recording sound good?
A more correct statement by the salesman would have been:  "a really high end system can make most mediocre recordings more enjoyable to listen to." While we can't expect a great system to file down all the "warts" in a bad recording, we can expe...