

Responses from waytoomuchstuff

Audiophilia: Is it the pursuit of audio excellence or just a desire to tinker.
Being an "audiophile" creates the perfect storm where a profound appreciation of music meets childlike curiosity about how things work, and how to make them better. They say "you can’t blame a compass for pointing north." And you can't blame an "a... 
What To Do?
I tried something that worked for me. It was the opposite (couldn’t get a response from a customer). Write a nice note and print it, free from animosity, grief, etc. Keep it positive. I tried to make mine light, and humorous. No hard feelings. Ju... 
Is there miracles in audio experience ?
My daily search for intelligent life on this planet often begins with this forum.  Today I was paid back in spades. It's been said that there are no absolute truths; only workable truths and relative truths.  As an audiphile, this can both comfor... 
Are cable “upgrades” just as likely to make your system sound worse?
Taking the OP’s question literally: "Are cable “upgrades” just as likely to make your system sound worse?" the answer is a solid "NO!" They are not just as likely to make your system sound worse." In fact, it is highly UNLIKELY that they will make... 
rocket 88
@deep_333 @hsounds Well stated, gentlemen. I learned something. Just might prove I’m still “trainable” at my age? I would just like to add that a manufacturer (I believe it’s AQ) recommends that if you’re going to use those factory jumpers and ... 
A "Downgrade" that proved to be a spectacular "Upgrade" -------
My second wife is one day older than my first wife. She looks younger than my first wife.  Still a mystery to this day.  
rocket 88
@guitarlenn55 "Bi-wiring" the 802s: There is much debate on this subject. Justifiably so. I think it can be argued that "all things being equal" there may be little benefit to "bi-wiring." But, given the fact that the 802’s (as are many premium... 
rocket 88
Short answer: "No. There won't be an audibile difference"  Premium cables have gotten quite expensive and you have a chance to buy a pair of 10' factory-terminated Rocket 88's at the right price, you should go for it. fyi- I upgraded the internal... 
How Has Your Finely Tuned Audiophile Dexterity Helped You in Your "Other" Life?
@ghdprentice  "The really funny thing is for decades, completely by accident I ended up working in companies that are primary sources of high end subcomponents for high end audio… Burr-Brown Corp and Texas Instruments. So all wrapped together for... 
How Has Your Finely Tuned Audiophile Dexterity Helped You in Your "Other" Life?
Taking someone from a position of ambivalence to being wildly enthusiastic about quality sound reproduction is a pretty steep gradient for anyone. Small, precise steps may be the solution. I’m attaching to link to what I used as a training exerci... 
At what price is one considered an Audiophile.
@dayglow "My pet peeve is when one obsesses over the law of diminishing returns. " I think the key question is: "Did I get my money’s worth?" Let’s say, for a moment, that the universe inserts a rule where significant differences in quality ha... 
How Has Your Finely Tuned Audiophile Dexterity Helped You in Your "Other" Life?
Okay, here’s another one. Hot rodding: I have an older car with solid lifters connected to the camshaft. The car sounded like a Singer sewing machine running down the road at high RPM from the driver’s position. Audiophiles use a product called "... 
How Has Your Finely Tuned Audiophile Dexterity Helped You in Your "Other" Life?
@theflattire  Well, there you go.  That's something worth sharing.  "Others" probably benefit from your new skillset as well, I'll bet.  
How Has Your Finely Tuned Audiophile Dexterity Helped You in Your "Other" Life?
@rockadanny Yeah, I get it. I attended a music program at a large church last Christmas. A few seconds into the performance, I had a strong desire to rent some scaffording and rip out all the cheap "builder grade" speaker wire and replace it wit... 
At what price is one considered an Audiophile.
I think we’ve gotten some "hits" and "misses" here. Mostly "hits." Being an "audiophile" can worn as a badge of honor. It depends on how we use it. Yes, we can weaponize our "audiophile status" to belittle others and position ourselves in a posit...