

Responses from waltersalas

That "Wow" Moment!
I was in the Record and Tape Depot in Boone, NC,  in the fall of 1982, and the manager put on a new EP entitled Chronic Town by an unknown young band from Athens, Georgia, named R.E.M. It sounded like the Byrds played at 180 miles per hour. I had ... 
The Steep Canyon Rangers
Appears to be a whole lot of spam on this here thread. Moderators, could you zap the spam, pretty please? 
Herron VTPH-2A Phono Preamp....anyone familiar?
@agrippa       As the previous owner of the Herron VTPH-2 and the current owner of an Allnic H1201, my experience aligns with yours, and I appreciate you bringing a measure of balance to the sometimes evangelical fervor of a few Herron advocates. ... 
Movies employing music in a great way.
A few more nominations--*Diner*The Hot Spot (John Lee Hooker, Miles Davis, Taj Mahal, etc.)*Saturday Night Fever (well, somebody had to say it) 
OPINIONS PLEASE - Phonostage for new Rega P8/Apheta 2 - Sutherland 20/20 or Allnic 1201
@lak +1 on the Allnic H1201.You summed it up very well. That has also been my experience. Great unit at a great price, especially now that dealers are pushing the new H1202. 
Movies employing music in a great way.
Great thread, great list. Off the cuff, I’d add Richard Linklater and Cameron Crowe to the list.Almost forgot to mention the movies! For starters, Linklater's Dazed and Confused and Crowe's Almost Famous. 
Help: Devore O/96 Integrated Amp + DAC suggestion
+1 charles1dadThe Lampizator Atlantic SE is hands down the best DAC I have ever owned, a significant improvement over the Lampi Big Six, which is also excellent.@wallace79 -- There is an Atlantic SE currently for sale, at a screaming good deal. I ... 
If you could only keep 5 record albums, what would they be?
Rolling Stones -- Exile on Main StreetLucinda Williams -- Car Wheels on a Gravel RoadJohn Coltrane -- A Love SupremeNeil Young -- DecadeThelonious Monk -- Brilliant Corners 
Greatest debut album
New York Dolls, The Clash, and the Ramones--all self-titled.And Television's Marquee Moon. 
NEW Cerious Technologies Upgrade - Graphene Matrix Cables
Totally agreed. They are an investment, but still a bargain in terms of price to performance ratio. I've got to get one more for my phono preamp, and then I will be all set. I love these cables! 
Cerious Technologies NEW Graphene Cables
Just wondering if the moniker 'ptss" stands for "petty troll says something"? Seems like a good fit. 
Thoughts on Big Star
One thing I have learned over the decades is that there is just no way to predict or account for personal taste in music. You either get it or you don't--or somewhere in between. That can even vary among albums by the same artist. For instance, I ... 
Phono cable advice.
@lewm A big shout-out to lewm for recommending the Anti-cables. I went with the top of the line and had them burned in for 150 hours for an extra twenty bucks. I got them yesterday and am truly astonished by how they have transformed my vinyl play... 
Help me choose a speaker match for my Line Magnetic 805ia tube amp under $10K
@freesole--- The Double Impacts are tremendous speakers, but the Encores just do everything better--greater clarity, a more holographic sound stage with pin-point imagining, much more authoritative bass, and so on. The Encores have effectively end... 
Help me choose a speaker match for my Line Magnetic 805ia tube amp under $10K
Tekton Encores.I had the Line Magnetic 508ia, and it was sublime with my Tekton Double Impacts, even better with the Encores. I've had quite a few sets of highly regarded speakers over the years, including Vienna Acoustics, Piega, Daedalus, Intuit...