Responses from vthokie83
Tubes and less sensitive speakers I have no personal experience with the Sanders Magtech amps (other than reputation), but they are manufactured by CODA, and that is never a bad scenario | |
a rant I agree with the idea that my audio journey is a hobby, and for the time being, I get great pleasure in learning from and engaging with the hobby; and that means spending money. I am not retired and can afford what I spend on audio, and for now th... | |
Anyone knows reputable places in Europe and Canada to buy NOS tubes from? I only buy from Brent Jessee in the US, but I do know he ships to Canada and Europe. Best tube selection, great advice, and extremely knowledgeable https://www.audiotubes.com/order.htm | |
The DAC Scam - Almost everyone believes the hype The video creator is an idiot, and I hate point blank statements like that, without inspection.....either for or against. I have tried about 13 or so DACs in my system, with my components, with my ears. All of them made audible differences, some ... | |
I should start with speakers. This I know. I’d like to establish a new system. toontrader Axpona really is a great experience, it's audio focused only, and the exhibitor list is a who's who of the speaker world (and integrated amps). You will get months if not years research done in a couple of days.....make sure to be ther... | |
One box solution Silverfoxvtx1800 First off, sorry to hear of your situation. Second, that is a nice system you've assembled. I agree that I'd find someone to buy/sell it, you, and donate the cash if you wish......you'll make a bigger contribution to humanity th... | |
Best $10-15K bookshelf speaker? Well if you're now considering towers, that opens up a whole new batch of great speakers.....recommendations so far were for bookshelfs | |
Best $10-15K bookshelf speaker? TAD ME-1, Alta Alyssa, Sonus Faber Guarneri G5 or Electa Amator, Joseph Audio Pulsar 2 Graphene.....not a miss in the bunch | |
What's the weakest link in my stereo set up? I live in a townhome, so limited on space. I'd agree with the recommendation for room acoustics, there are very attractive diffusers and absorption panels these days......they even can use your own pictures or art for panels. Give GIK acoustics a call, have your room dimensions handy, and... | |
Are EL34 based amps more musical than KT series based ? Or it's purely a matter of design? Last year I purchased an Aric Audio "Push Pull" amplifier with upgraded caps, EL34 and 6SN7 tubes. This is my first Push Pull, and it is brilliant like all of Aric's gear. The amp will accept KT88s, KT120s, and KT150s as well; but have kept the EL... | |
Should speakers be upgraded before preamp and amplifiers? +++1 Garbage in garbage out. Replace the ancient turntable and cartridge, and I'm not even a vinyl owner. Take a look at someplace like Upscale Audio, there are dozens of options in the $2,0000 to $4,000 from Rega, VPI, Music Hall, Technics, EAT.... | |
I should start with speakers. This I know. I’d like to establish a new system. Here's another thought. Buy a ticket to Chicago, and go to Axpona 2025 on April 11th to 13th. Tickets to the show and hotels are very reasonable, and you'll be able to do months of research in a couple of days. That show in particular has helped m... | |
Do you agree with John Atkinson (and me)? BDP24 My Qobuz subscription is $17.99 per month (less with an annual subscription), add a really good streamer for $6,000 plus or minus. I do still have several hundred CDs hanging around. The rest of my system is worth 10 times that amount, and ... | |
An IEC with grip zlone It might be the IEC male plug mounted with the component. Here are some from Furutech and Oyaide at VHAudio, but give them a call or email; Chris has always been a big help to me https://www.vhaudio.com/connectors-ac.html#IECinlets | |
The best opening act you've ever seen & heard? August 16th 1974, my first concert....I was 13. My horseback riding friend was a huge three dog night fan, and she asked if I wanted to go with her, her boyfriend, and some friends; one of her other friends had to cancel. The concert was Three Dog... |