

Responses from volleyguy1

Capacitor log Mundorf Silver in Oil
"That's interesting about the vintage inductor". SalectricI not so sure the vintage beating the Duelund VSF inductor is so surprising. I have been shocked how many times when you think about how the parts work that results are logical. The vintage... 
Capacitor log Mundorf Silver in Oil
GrannyringI for sure am not against cheaper parts being just as good or better. I have said many times vintage caps can represent a very good bargain. (as they are in essence free) My original oil caps were bettered by Duelund in the midrange but ... 
Capacitor log Mundorf Silver in Oil
"Whatever 'type' of cap one uses, you can easily id its 'signature' sound downstream. Frankly to an astonishing extent".I for sure can not argue with this. Like Tony Gee had said Duelund has a Super Natual sound. I might be on my own on this but t... 
Capacitor log Mundorf Silver in Oil
RicevsIf I remember right Tony Gee said the same about (bypass) caps except maybe the high end caps you mentioned. When you find the right spot do give Duelund's a try. You also mention any cap larger than .33uf needs a bypass. All of my amps are ... 
Capacitor log Mundorf Silver in Oil
RegismcIn your power conditioner I assume you used each of these caps as bypass caps? Your post has really got me thinking... When I had the vintage amp installed with a ASC poly caps in the power supply the "signature" was easily discernible. I w... 
Capacitor log Mundorf Silver in Oil
RegismcThe conditioner... Well now I feel much better saying I could really hear the first cap in the power supply...Interesting about the VCaps Cuft I have them as well and they are lightening fast but not sure where to put them. I have not sold ... 
Capacitor log Mundorf Silver in Oil
Also does anyone know what Jimmy is talking about with this new electrolytic cap???http://jimmyauw.com/2013/06/06/no-name-capacitor-revision-2/Is it Jensen coming out with a new line? Electrolytic wrapped in paper? Anyone know anything? 
Capacitor log Mundorf Silver in Oil
TomMaybe I have misunderstood? I thought you meant amp designs that did not use coupling capacitors at all and used an interstage transformer?Jimmy's page talking about what he preferred.http://jimmyauw.com/2010/08/16/battle-of-three-capacitors/ 
Capacitor log Mundorf Silver in Oil
theaudiotweakTom I have heard that many times from people. I have not compared CAST to mechanical coupling. Have you?Just back from a friends house hearing his speakers which are Khorns.The difference is dramatic, grain, slow, plastic sound nowher... 
Capacitor log Mundorf Silver in Oil
GrannyringI have not actually bought any parts lately. The Duelund tweeter inductor I had. The Duelund CAST to use on the power supply I have. Part of me needs to know why those caps would be so good? I am not saying they are not just why?I can se... 
Capacitor log Mundorf Silver in Oil
Plus a re-test of my Duelund VSF in series tweeter inductor...This was the only Duelund part I could not use before. Now with all Duelund caps in the amp it is much quieter. Last time I knew the Duelund inductor was technically superior to the vin... 
Capacitor log Mundorf Silver in Oil
Tests coming up.1 ASC poly caps as power supply vs. vintage. The amp will be worked on again to get up to snuff.2. Plastic vs. paper bobbin in the autoformer in the speaker crossover. (friend has bought a new autoformer same specs)(if I can borrow... 
Capacitor log Mundorf Silver in Oil
Helping a friend wire in a new crossover for his 1990 Khorns.He is currently using a SS amp (trying to get him to throw it out!) and his crossover has poly caps in it for the new crossover and original. To be honest I can not really hear any diffe... 
Capacitor log Mundorf Silver in Oil
EherdianIt was the vintage electrolytic that smoked the new one... The old electrolytic was bigger heavier and sounded much better. The new small light Jensen Electrolytic sounded dry. It was like liquid vs. dry and the difference was VERY big in ... 
Capacitor log Mundorf Silver in Oil
EherdianInteresting you mention that about the Audio Note Caps. When at the amp repair shop he was working on an Audio Note 300b amp and it was one of the coupling caps that went. The copper foil in Mylar type.I am going to guess it was one of the...