

Responses from volleyguy1

Capacitor log Mundorf Silver in Oil
Too funny Roxy!That is how the whole thing got started I really thought I was throwing money away on my first VSF cap that someone recommended on this thread... After that one part led to another and another and another but at least I have lost we... 
Capacitor log Mundorf Silver in Oil
I see Duelund is doing autotransformers from the Jeff's Place website. For us that have them in the crossover this is big news! My speakers use similiar design to Westminster Royal's. I have been running out of parts to replace! With the exception... 
5AR4/GZ34 Rectifier Tubes
I am really curious about the Genalex rectifier tube. I really like the 12AX7's of theirs. Retired all my old 12AX7. Very happy that this might be the tube era? 
Capacitor log Mundorf Silver in Oil
GrannyringI found what you said about bypassing in the power supply very interesting. I was shocked when I changed out the vintage electrolytic for a new Jensen. It was more than any other change. (the vintage being that much better)You say bypass... 
Capacitor log Mundorf Silver in Oil
I did take advice from this thread and used some extra Duelund silk from some old Duelund Copper wire I had left and put it on the leads of the CAST cap.I also tied down a CAST cap that was "dangling". (pretty bad really)(started to feel guilty)Oh... 
Capacitor log Mundorf Silver in Oil
Wired up my other CAST cap for the phono stage.Did not sound very good going in for the first 30 minutes. New CAST caps are overpowering in the beginning at least in electronics. They sound stiff and aggressive. If I had not been through this befo... 
Capacitor log Mundorf Silver in Oil
TasI have not used the VSF Black but have quite extensive use of VSF caps in electronics, inductors, caps in crossovers, CAST in electronics, CAST in crossovers and all Deulund is great. I am sure you will love the black. Sometimes I use like you ... 
Capacitor log Mundorf Silver in Oil
The Duelund CAST vs. vintage. Before the vintage is taken out there is a LOT less record surface noise from the CAST. The surface noise is in the freq range of the resonance I suspect of the vintage cap. Around a 75% reduction and the noise is at ... 
Capacitor log Mundorf Silver in Oil
RicevsHoly Smokes some serious work on the Oppo.Interesting site. 
Capacitor log Mundorf Silver in Oil
Hmmm seems I have some work to do on mounting and insulating some leads. Lots of info on here. 
Capacitor log Mundorf Silver in Oil
I think the solution to what Salectric is talking about is VSF. Keeps the same super Natural tone but with more what he is talking about.How many of you guys out there have followed Steen's thinking to as much as possible? Who has gone the farthes... 
Capacitor log Mundorf Silver in Oil
CharlesI was just again out listening to what was likely a $100k stereo and it sounded nice but I could not pick out what anything was really. To a women why would one ever spend $100k on a stereo and if it did not even sound anything like live mu... 
Capacitor log Mundorf Silver in Oil
CharlesI am glad you spend so such time listening to live jazz then comparing to you HiFi after all that is what this hobby is about. Nice to have opinion of someone who hears so much live music. I am in agreement with you on CAST.My daughters fri... 
Capacitor log Mundorf Silver in Oil
SalecetricI can not argue with your list as it is more or less the same except 1-2. Why do you not have the phono stage #1? The signal is more fragile.The Duelund's not having enough life or sparkle on the top end. This is something I have thought... 
Capacitor log Mundorf Silver in Oil
Revision to which is most important caps.1. In my opinion now phono stage. Another CAST ordered for that location. (massive improvement there)2. Maybe line stage3. Tweeter caps.4. Woofer inductor. (wish I had CAST instead of VSF)(that might put th...