

Responses from volleyguy1

Capacitor log Mundorf Silver in Oil
Just finished testing vintage tubes vs. Psvane and Genalex Gold Lions.When the Genalex went in the preamp section over the vintage I noticed right away less resonance and a fuller sound. When I got the Psvanes things were even quieter when used wi... 
Capacitor log Mundorf Silver in Oil
Psvane's getting around 100 hours on them now. So far in early testing they are quiet but do not have the tonality of the Genalex Gold Lions. I am burning them in in the phase inverter section which they seem good in but have had them in the pre-a... 
Capacitor log Mundorf Silver in Oil
At the end of the 12AX7 test whichever tube I think is the best will get the sales of replacement of my vintage tubes I will be retiring them to reference new tubes. These are good times for tube lovers! Is this the tube golden era??? I can say no... 
Capacitor log Mundorf Silver in Oil
Charlesdad and SherodI only posted initial impressions for someone else who may hear them. I thought the Psvane's were terrible out of the box and had not heard anyone say this? I even took them out to listen to music. I do have to admit even righ... 
Capacitor log Mundorf Silver in Oil
SherodMine sounded dead and lifeless out of the box to a shocking degree and tones were grey. Sinking feeling in the stomach not just of the money but lack of choice of a new tube.The good news they have improved dramatically at around 30 hours to... 
Capacitor log Mundorf Silver in Oil
SherodAny idea on how long the Psvane's have that greyish tone? Right now they are like a blanket over the music?I went and got some of my old Mullard 12AX7's to listen again. They sound very similiar to the Gold Lions but the Gold Lions (Genalex)... 
Capacitor log Mundorf Silver in Oil
SherodI hope you are right. I have heard so much good about them. I have only old (non power) tubes and when I tried the Gold Lions I was not expecting much and was shocked just shocked at how dynamic and quiet they were. 
Capacitor log Mundorf Silver in Oil
At 10+ hours these tubes sound terrible!Very dead sounding. Very HiFi sounding. Very poor dynamics. I feel like someone has been pulling my leg. So far these are the worst sounding tube I have heard in my system. I had only vintage tubes until the... 
Capacitor log Mundorf Silver in Oil
Psvane tubes are in and I am not sure what to make of them? Sound very different. They are for sure low resonance you can tell that right away but dynamic and bass shy for now. 
Capacitor log Mundorf Silver in Oil
Just so everyone knows I was just not going gaga over a car. Elon Musk (Tesla) says Super Capacitors are what is going to replace batteries.He did not mention how good they would sound though? 
Capacitor log Mundorf Silver in Oil
You guys had me feeling bad making the Tesla comment so I went out today and bought some Psvane 12AX7's from partsconnexion. Should be here tomorrow or next day. Chris had good things to say about them.This thread was about the value in audio and ... 
Capacitor log Mundorf Silver in Oil
Just been away looking at Solar and Tesla cars. Other interests than Audio. More tests coming once the weather cools! 
Capacitor log Mundorf Silver in Oil
I have been following Jimmy's site on his testing of the "no name" electrolytic capacitor in the power supply. He says he could recognize the difference in a few seconds and that is over the Jensen 4 pole Electrolytic."on several seconds" I have n... 
Capacitor log Mundorf Silver in Oil
Irish and I are both in the inductor camp. (as in I can not believe how much difference they make)A friend was over who has Khorn's and subs and he could not believe how much bass was coming out of my Lascala's a bass shy speaker. His speakers are... 
Capacitor log Mundorf Silver in Oil
Sherwood posted a link to an older review of caps. Again to the what it looks like. The reviewer said the Mundorf was not much better than the Soncicaps and I have to disagree and have heard both of them quite a bit. The Mundorf sounds similiar to...