
Responses from viggen

Power Line Pillow
Hi,I am one of those people who bought two BC86 MK2 and didn't like it very much.I did install these at almost every conceiveable outlet in my apartment including the outlets on my powerbar. The only difference I heard is a very minor subdueing in... 
Digital Cable for 47 Labs Shigaraki Transport/Dac?
Hey Dekay,The cable ends maleability is just right, atleast for me. I can shape it to fit different equipments' posts and it stays in shape.Like you, at first I wasn't familiar with Bogdan cables. I emailed and asked whether he offers a trial peri... 
Digital Cable for 47 Labs Shigaraki Transport/Dac?
I completely forgot when I last posted in this thread. I've used the Mapleshade IC as digital cable. I doubt they really have any build differences between their analog and digital ICs. Anyways, with the my Meridian Trans/Dac connected to the gain... 
Digital Cable for 47 Labs Shigaraki Transport/Dac?
And what powercords? Sorry to leech onto this thread. 
Has anyone heard the 47 labs Shigaraki DAC?
What powercord do you suggest for the Shigaraki DAC? So far, I have better results with Mapleshade on my Gaincard. Don't know if 47 Labs generally sound better with non-shielded powercords or not... 
24/96 DAC + DVD Player - Help
FYI, the Technics DVD-A10 has a "re-master" function that upsamples redbook cds from 16 bit 48 khz to 24 bit 88 khz. And, the digital out transmits up to 24 bit 192 khz. With only a generic powercord, the DVD-A10 with the remaster on and only with... 
Need integrated amp for Sonus Faber Concertos
Has anyone ever matched the Concertino with the 47 Labs Gaincard? 
Integrated or Separates?
Definitely give the CA50 a try or get a VT50 and a cd with volume control. 
Transitioning: back to solid state....
Hey Max, I did play around with a few borrowed voltage meter from work. We have lots of industrial engineers there that know what to do after reading your email. An amp that still uses tube technology impressed those old guys quite a bit. And, the... 
How could High End audio be improved?
Just to qualify:Cartesian philosophy separated mind and body, but it is not the mind that has become a "thing". Also, you are presupposed "beauty". Then again, I guess everyone does in one context or another more or less. 
Transitioning: back to solid state....
Update:After purchasing Bogdan's silver cables, I've re-auditioned the amps I have. The Gaincard sounded less solid state. The ARC CA50 has less ear fatigue. And, the Pass now sounds incredible even without the CA50 bi-amping the HF. Now, I use th... 
Are CD clubs a good deal?
10 yrs ago, my girlfriend got me a Bjork CD which she got from BMG not knowing I already have a store purchased copy of the exact same CD. There are 2 main differences that I still remember til today which are the reasons why I don't go for cd clu... 
How could High End audio be improved?
Two questions:1-Is high end audio a thing of beauty?2-If not, is high end audio potentially a thing of beauty?High end audio is just like anything else, some people like it and some people don't. Some people like it because it is technical, some p... 
Cheap tweaks...What would YOU reccomend?
I believe you can cancel off unwanted resonance with shelves made of any materials as long as it is well made. Each material has a different mechanical vibration signature, and you just need to compact numerous materials together that has varied d... 
The best hybrid amp?
Bi Amp. SS on LF and tube on HF.