
Responses from viggen

Has anyone heard the 47 labs Shigaraki DAC?
Yup, that is the Shigaraki which is compared to the Sony 777 SACD player. 
Save a vinyl newbie, please
I had a very similar problem before, and it turns out the needle was loose. I still haven't bought a new cartridge... 
System for a teenager wish I got that when I was a teenager. Dirt cheap too. 
CD Player newbie questions
I guess high end cd players not only have better chip processors, they also have better analogue outputs, and they take some mechanical engineering properties into consideration, which I think is the main reason why digital(s) sound different. 
Thoughts on Legacy Whisper Speakers
I think they are very big. 
Stands to go with B&W Nautilius 805? makes a stand just for the 805. I am ordering their basic stand for a silverline monitor. 
Putting floorstanding speakers on stands...
Hi Z-man, I am not sure what lead feet means... However, the Gaincard definitely doesn't play as loud as an Aragon, ARC, Nakamichi Stasis, or any other amp I had except for maybe the Aleph, but it does control the bass very well. So, I wouldn't sa... 
CAL Delta/Alpha vs Music Hall CD25: A comparison
So what they say is true. High end audio is all smokes and mirrors; hocus-pocus. 
Putting floorstanding speakers on stands...
With the same speaker, KEF 103/4, but with different amps, I had different results when raising the speaker off the floor.When I had the Aragon 8002, I had to keep the 103/4 far away from any wall including 8" off the floor. Now that I am using th... 
CAL Delta/Alpha vs Music Hall CD25: A comparison
Hey Mike,Great CD player comparison. As a former CAL Delta/Alpha owner, I do agree with you and also Joe that the CAL does seem to excel in higher frequency energy/sparkle. They also throw a very wide sound stage. Both of these qualities matches v... 
Any SS class A experience to share?
I don't know why you would find it hard to believe that the SR17 and SR11 have more similarities than dissimilarities.This conversation falls under the category of "slippery slope." 
Any SS class A experience to share?
Yup, it's pointless to refute any points being brought up currently since neither of us has directly compared the two aleph amps and the two silverline speakers. I will attempt to contact alan yun just because I too am curious to what one is getti... 
Any SS class A experience to share?
Hey Jax,Actually the SR11 and SR17 are almost identical speakers. 11 have 1" tweet and 4" mids, 17 has 1.5" tweet and 6" mids. And the SR17 cabinet is slightly larger but shaped identically. From impressions that I gathered from internet research,... 
Any SS class A experience to share?
Hey Jax,What front ends and cables are you using in your work system? I got the SR 11 to match with the Gaincard actually. I am really leaning towards the Gaincard and thought to tinker with the rest of my system around it. But, good thing I didn'... 
Any SS class A experience to share?
Hi Dud,Last month, I auditioned many solid state amps in an effort to replace my ARC CA50. My purpose was to simplify ergonomics and lowering maintenance without sacrifice to sound quality. I narrowed down to two amps, Aleph 3 and Gaincard. Curren...