
Responses from viggen

1000 budget for speakers and integrated - HELP
A good $300 speaker is the Tannoy Mercury? You can get them on ebay for $260 with "buy it now" feature. That and the Complete should do the trick. Also, I highly recommend the older TA series nakamichi receivers. They are Threshold-esque statis to... 
The "coolest" looking system?
Hey Gunbei, How most embarrassing... that pic should be in the "most shabbiest looking system" thread. Btw, I swapped back to my old driver tubes, and the system is 90% back to normal only lacking some of the warmth I first experienced.Yah, most o... 
The "coolest" looking system?
there is a cool site that someone recommended on another thread. i think it's lots of good looking stuff in there at not so cheap prices. 
Am I the only one who thinks B&W is mid-fi?
I agree with Danny. I've heard the Matrix series powered by cheesy amps like Sunfire and other hometheater amps. They were definitely veiled. I also heard them powered by Nakamichi PA-5 and PA-7, Rowland... dunno model, and White Audio. The Matrix... 
Blue glow in power tube?
Thanks everyone! Aside from Bigtee, everyone seems to agree the blue is a good thing. 
Burning question regarding upgrading paths
Joe, which school of philosophy are you concerning yourself with in regards to illusionary attachments? When you mention "forms", I sort of think you are referring to the forms by Aristotle. But, you've mentioned Zen Buddhism too. I am sort of con... 
Burning question regarding upgrading paths
Joeavid, what tubes are you rolling in your LS16 now? I got the CA50, and I am thinking about upgrading the signal tubes, currently using the stock sovteks. Also, the CD3 is a huge step up from the Alpha? What transport did you use when you had th... 
Burning question regarding upgrading paths
6chac, how do you do that when I have an integrated amp now? And, nope, it doesn't have a bypass function or direct inputs to the amp section. BTW, I never had a preamp: the dac went straight into the amp. But, I see what you mean. It doesn't matt... 
HELP: is Monarchy Audio DAC a good idea?
Hi All,I have a Meridian 518 dejitter device. I have used it with a CAL Alpha and a Meridian 563. The improvements the 518 has on the Alpha is slightly deeper bass and smoother highs. However, with the 563, the soundstage expanded and everything i... 
Looking for the best audio porn
thanks for sharing the site. it entertained me for hours. 
InfiniCaps in Audio Research gear
Max,I just rather have someone local do the job. Also, Gary is an ARC certified technician. The only one I know of in LA. Regarding dufus, I did look him up, but I gave up on pursuing it.Let me know how the aftermarket powercords work out in the f... 
500 to spend on int.amp,help me match with gear.
There is a used Nak ta3a available on gon for 400 i think. 
InfiniCaps in Audio Research gear
Hey Max,That Dufus is missing in action. I don't even see him on Audiogon anymore, and he used to be an avid contributor. The CA is in perfect shape now. Gary Garfield of Musical Fidelity did a great job restoring it to as new condition. He is ada... 
Velodyne ULD-18 or Audio PHysic Rhea sub....
I love the ULD subs. I think they are the best sub for music. 
InfiniCaps in Audio Research gear
Hey Max, Please give me more impressions on your 9 after you got the iec installed. I've been contemplating installing one on my CA50, but the procedure seems like a pain in the arse. Is the stock cord bottlenecking the performance of your system ...