
Responses from viggen

Aleph 5 + Dunlavy 4
Sorry to sort of go off the subject, but I really think the speaker cable needs to be changed. I think you need cables that has more emphasis in "speed" rather than "guts". Sorry if I sound like I don't know what I am talking about. Just think, "l... 
NHT 2.3A vs. NHT 3.3 original model
I don't remember ever hearing the 2.3 before, but I own the Superone and used to work at a shop that carried the entire NHT line. Although every model seem to have an incremental change/improvement in design as you move up (larger bass driver etc.... 
Separates or Receiver for 2K
Ideally, if I am to combine home theater with 2 channel music, I'd buy a higher quality preamp and 2 channel poweramp then add the processor and 3 channel amp. However, it would be hard to get all this below $2K plus mucho cables. So, for $2k, I'd... 
Upper midrange glare prominence --
My system used to have the same thing. I partially solved it by upgrading powercords from stock to aftermarket ones. I permanately solved it when I moved into a new place. I believe lots of new fabricated housing, you know the ones in california w... 
boyfriend is getting on my way
Do you like your bf's system? 
Getting into audio for around 3500$...problems...
I think whatever you upgrade first will always offer you the highest in returns for your investment regardless of it being the speaker or the amp. I am not speaking in terms of diminishing returns. Rather, the first swapped component will always h... 
Omega ts1 loudspeakers.....
Hey Phase,Just incase you didn't know, AudioAsylum and HarmonicDiscord has a lot of discussions about the Omegas on their forum. They are supposed to match very well the the new Norh tube amp. 
What does "Sounds too Hifi" mean???
I like the "I can't afford it" comment. I would also like to add stereos that are "too hifi" are only sold in snooty stereo boutiques. Actually, I think "too hifi" is a misnomer. What I mean is, there is no such thing as too much hifi. Either you ... 
Cheap tweaks...What would YOU reccomend?
Gonglee3,I am doing almost exactly what you are doing. I've recently switched back to my ancient pair of Monster Reference 2 interconnects. And, I cut the ends off my USB cord to make a pair of CAT5 speaker cables. The results are phenomenal. 
What can be on a cd that.....
Aritificial scratches doesn't always factures the trajectory of the laser. And, dust particles can cause skips. I always blow on my CDs or DVDs if it doesn't read the first time around. 
Can any CDP with coaxial out used as transport?
Surge/Power Conditioning For Amplifiers
Bob pretty much answered it. Just going to add that most balanced core filtering devices do not limit current transfer such as the Audio Magic Stealth. Also, PS Audio Ultimate Outlet and Blue Circle Music Ring are these types of line filter too. N... 
Can Tube CDP act as Tube Preamp??
CAL Audio used to offer their customers resistors to use in their Alpha DACs. Those DACs had 3.5V output instead of the regular 2V for the purpose of bypassing preamp. But, if the customer wants to use a pre, then they can solder the resistor in t... 
Blue Gas in Tubes - Why? Is it Bad?
I've asked the same question on audiogon before. The gas that glows when "excited" is inert. You can say, if there is any trace of impurity inside the tube, then the inert gas would not glow. So, the blue is actually a desireable thing.For more 41... 
Good speakers for Gaincard under $1500?
Well, I took a RJ-45 and a USB cable apart this morning. I only have one of each in the house. So, the RJ-45 is on the left speakers, and the USB is on the right. I am using only single 24 gauge conductors to each hot and ground posts on the amp a...