
Responses from viggen

What was your first system, & did you like it?
My first personal system consisted of a Nakamichi TA1A receiver, a Sony second generation portable discman, a Luxman turntable, some speakers from a old Canadian company ESM (?), and Kimber cheapy cables throughout. Like Rar1, I was 13. I thought ... 
Any feedback on the new Wolff PC ?
And Sean, give them a break. It's not everyday engineers transition into marketing. I know this can be frustrating though. 
Any feedback on the new Wolff PC ?
Hey,Guess what, my "review" is posted on this product's site, although, the review isn't really a review. Rather, they personal emails and discussions with Mike about the new carbon cord that has been in my system for about a week and a half. The ... 
I'm so confused....
Decisions were made for me when my favorite music are only available on redbook format. I just went with the best transport and DAC which pleases my ear that I can afford. 
Where is my weakest link?
YOU are the weakest LINK. Good BYE!Maybe try some new cables. 
Virtual Dynamics Power Three?
Yup, like others said, the VDP3 is a big step up from stock and other aftermarket cords under $100. I used it for about a year, however, I wouldn't use it again because of how stiff it is. These things practically lift my components off its shelf.... 
Best band of the 80's
There were tons I liked but the ones I still like are New Order, Aztec Camera and Beautiful South. 
A Tough Question
Yah Drubin, don't state the obvious. 
A Tough Question
There is your phenomological answer right there... 40 yrs.. and it's the powercords. 
New CDP or DAC for budget system?
There is this thing by Z-cable that I saw on Audiogon ads. I think it is some ERS tube made by Z-cable and costs $99. Try it out and tell us what you think of it. 
Cowboy Bebop anyone?
Can't answer any of your question, but I do agree that Bebop has some of the best/appropriate music. Kenshin and Spirited Away has very good soundtracks also. 
Finally Taking The Plunge
Where is that fat blob from Empire Strikes Back when you need him... "Your Jedi tricks won't work on me..." 
A Tough Question
Well duh!! It's obviously all of the above. I found that IKEA catalogue montage in the movie very intrugueing almost ingenius. Truly, the character that Edward Norton plays suffers from a type of dementia where only his own subconsciousness recogn... 
I'm confused
HAHAHA Dean you are like the worms in my stomache. You know me better than I know myself!I just bought this home theater in the box..., I still am obsessed with those ... 
I'm confused
Yup, 2 channel is a beyatch compared to home theater. We should rename this website "masochistgon".Atleast, I am done for now. I haven't changed a thing since June. I will laugh at the rest of you guys.