
Responses from viggen

Holy Grail of Audio Systems
I agree with Duke. Someone offered suggestions regarding different "gons" catering to different hobbies. I was thinking about a writer's gon. Audiophanatik certainly would be a proponent for such a gon. 
Are Dealer Recommendations Useful or Useless?
Hey Onhwy61,Lets get one thing straight. Do you know what fallacy of composition means? Whether you think you have the sensibilities or you are just a victim of smart marketing is besides the point. Fact of the matter is anyone dropping into a Mer... 
Are Dealer Recommendations Useful or Useless?
That is because Lexus and Mercedes are substitute products. Either one will serve your need if you are in the market for that kind of thing. 
Are Dealer Recommendations Useful or Useless?
I am the buying direct type of person. I hate middlemen and dealers. In my experience dealers have been no use to me at all. Dealers have always been quick to judge what components are "right" for me and more than ready to malign any component tha... 
Integrated amp plus receiver?
What you need is an integrated amp with features that would allow for individual volume adjustments for each source input and/or a feature that allows the volume control to be defeated. Thus, when you are listening to two channel, you are using th... 
Do you really need ultra expensive cables?
No one is arguing that it is the suits at either Clarion or McIntosh wanted to choose the other as their OEM. Stop making this THE argument.And, I do NOT assume a company such as McIntosh would proudly or boldly show off their new over-sized porta... 
Holy Grail of Audio Systems
It was Percival. 
Do you really need ultra expensive cables?
Actually, what I meant to say is, before words are being further added into my mouth, that car audio hobbyist are not after the same sound audiophiles are after despite the best intentions of otherwise higher end audio companies.And, let me reemph... 
Do you really need ultra expensive cables?
Would I be wrong in saying 80-90% of the sound in car audio is dependent on the installer/installation? 
Did I make a mistake with my Nautilus 805?
Next time try screwing Home Depot. This is obviously a Sears crowd. 
Do you really need ultra expensive cables?
Personally, the main reason why I haven't upgraded my car stereo since the early 90's is because of the type of sound that car audio enthusiasts consider "quality." 
Do you really need ultra expensive cables?
Clarion is one of two car audio companies that makes listenable head units. The other is Japanese, Eclipse. So, unless McIntosh wants to have off-shore suppliers, Clarion is their only OEM supplier. The question is, however, why would McIntosh ent... 
Which artists do you just not get?
Imin2u must be joking right? Let me rephrase myself, "I can't STAND OPERA!!" 
The Scariest Story Ever Told?
Yes Uncle, and I will turn my stereo down. 
Do you really need ultra expensive cables?
why all the knocks on expensive cables lately?