
Responses from viggen

CAL Icon vs. Cambridge D500SE vs. DAC
You should really try the Nixon Dackit. Don't know how to say it with less emphassis... with my current transport, the Nixon blows away the CAL Delta/Alpha... ok there. 
Best center speakers for dialogue clarity?
Once I installed a rather small audio system to compliment a rather large front projection system. The speakers were Linn Kans all around with a Velodyne 18" ULD sub with a run of the mill Pioneer receiver and LD player. That system, amazingly eno... 
Scott Nixon - Sarudac+? TubeDac+? vs CI Audio
I got the Nixon Dackit which is the barebones unit. As Nixon has told me and just about everyone else, each of his DACs sound different, and the plus versions do not necessarily sound better. As for a comparison, I used to own the CI Audio stuff a... 
What makes an interconnect sound like it does?
Just some thoughts, the looser the cable is wounded together, the less mechanical vibration will "pollute" the singal path.Low mass terminations will help in that department as well as reducing emi/rfi.And, slightly less resistance/higher gauge on... 
Aragon 4004 mk2 vs Adcom 555 mk2
I think only the 5802 was designed by Pass? I used to own an Aragon 8002, and it definitely sounded better than my friend's Adcom 555 and 5000 (the replacement for the 555?).And what is this with the dual mono? The left and right channels of the a... 
Technics A10 DVD digital output options
Actually, I am using the A10 as a transport right now. I've been using the Parasound CDP2000Ultra as a transport feeding a Nixon Dackit. The Parasound is out of commission until Timmy can send me an AC socket. But, yesterday, I bought a soldering ... 
Technics A10 DVD digital output options
Sjh,You know, I just know what I hear.feel. There is a cold steel feel in my system whenever the A10 is connected to it. I don't know why. I just surmise it can be the power suppy of the A10. However, I gave in lastnite and hooked the A10 up. And,... 
Differences in CD players? Am I crazy?
What kind of carbon cable are those, Vandenhuls? Those cables usually has a more mellow midrange which would be a good mix with the Teac player which tends to sound a bit hard and analytic. Also, how old is the Teac player? I know most of the VRDS... 
Technics A10 DVD digital output options
Hey Dave,You remember correctly regarding the re-master function and using the multi-channel outputs. Actually, the cold steely sound isn't much of a sound but a feel. And it endures in my systems for days even after the DVDA10 has been removed fr... 
Why are some cables 'directional'?
Electronics like to travel on smooth and straight surfaces. So your system will sound better when you keep the cables as straight and as parallel to the floor as much as possible. That's why cable elevators are so important. They prevent wires fro... 
Gilmore Audio planars revealed
No, the design of the ad is awful. Body board ads should have bikini clad ladies!! The designer of that ad should take cues from Psychicanimal. His avatar on Audiocircle is something else. 
Adding a DAC to a cdp
Just to second what the Cincinnati kid proposed, I highly praise my Nixon DAC. I got the $250 barebones version and have no complaints about it wutsoever other than its ugly. I think it definitely moves digital away from what is perceived as stere... 
Gilmore Audio planars revealed
It's funny how Mr. Gillmore is wearing a Hawaii shirt in his product's website. It only further reinforces my opinion that these speakers look like big body/boogy boards.As DK would quip, these speakers appearance have a "low HAF". 
Technics A10 DVD digital output options
Just today, my Parasound transport is placed on the disabled list due to a minor crack on its ac socket/iec bay. Until I get that replaced, I will be without a transport. Actually, I do have a DVDA10, but I won't be placing it in my stereo system.... 
Best DAC for under $500
I personally really love my Nixon DAC which sells for $250 new. However, it is a bit cosmetically challenged. But, it is super small, so you can hide it. I am not at all familiar with your transport. However, from what I gathered from various post...