
Responses from vhiner

Museatex Bitstream vs Bidat
I have no answer to your conundrum, Bigkidz and what I'm about to write should not be construed as advice because I don't profess to know what's best for anyone.For me, cost is always an issue. Does the improvement justify the trouble and the mone... 
Museatex Bitstream vs Bidat
Bigkidz,I also don't mean to imply that the upgrading decision is an easy one. It's a hassle and money's money. I'm too nervous to ship my bitbox again. ;-) I only know that the new upgrade takes nothing away from the analog/musical glory of the o... 
Museatex Bitstream vs Bidat
Dark,I concurr with Lush. I've been in pretty constant communication with John and Moray during the past couple of months and I just did a A/B at a friend's house with the brand new mods and an older one. It *is* more of everything we like about t... 
Museatex Bitstream vs Bidat
Lush and Darkmoebius,Just wanted to give a shout out to you guys. Your posts over the years are what inspired me to get my Moray James digital cable and pursue mods on my bidat and get a bitstream. You should get a commission! If people new just h... 
Museatex Bitstream vs Bidat
Audiofun,I didn't realize that you haven't heard John's very latest mods. Get ready, my friend. Even though you are a long-time Bidat fan like me, nothing can prepare you for what John is doing right now. He's raised the Bidat to an entirely diffe... 
Museatex Bitstream vs Bidat
I've got to write a mea culpa here. I was totally wrong in my post of nearly three years ago about how a Bidat sounds with a high quality preamp and how the bitstream compares. I own a newly modded Bitstream (version II) and Super Plus modded Bida... 
Bidat vs Perfect Wave vs Weiss and others
Audiofun,It sounds like the MSB is an impressive DAC. If I could trouble you to give a final verdict on how it sounds playing back 44.1 material compared to the modded Bidat's performance, I'd appreciate it. I know you've left spinning cd's behind... 
Bidat vs Perfect Wave vs Weiss and others
Audiofun, if you're going to use the RCA version of the M2, I can't resist putting in another plug in for Moray James digital cable...I'm sure he'd send you one to audition. It beats anything I've tried from Kimber Illuminati to Harmonic Tech and ... 
Help me solve static electricity problem
Puremusic,Thanks for the help. I'll have to save up for the disruptor. 
Help me solve static electricity problem
Puremusic,Thanks for the guidance.I'll check out the ground disruptor. What kind of wire did you use and how did you attach the wire to the chassis?Hevac1,Thanks for the link! 
What's a good power cord for conrad-johnson CT5?
Gwalt,I'm already really enjoying my CT5 at only 550 hours. This is great news and information I wish I would've had about 2 months ago. I may start playing with powercords again in another few months. Thanks! 
Help me solve static electricity problem
Puremusic,If you read kijanki's explanation of this, it sounds complicated and dangerous if you don't really know what you're doing. I'm absolutely NOT a DYI'er...so I'm not sure who I'd pay and trust to do this properly. Again, the dryer sheets s... 
Bidat vs Perfect Wave vs Weiss and others
Audiofun,Unfortunately, my rack and set up won't accommodate "stiffies" but I'm glad you've found a good match. 
What's a good power cord for conrad-johnson CT5?
Gwalt,The longer I listen, the more I think you may be right abou the CT5's break in period. I'm just past 500 hours and, to my ears, it's still improving. So, your comment confirms what I'm hearing. It certainly was wretched out of the box and I ... 
Bidat vs Perfect Wave vs Weiss and others
Audiofun,Fascinating. Thanks for the update.Don't let anyone tell you you're nuts about the input issue. I have had similar issues with placement of digital interconnects in relation to interconnects and power cords (something that Robert Harley h...