Responses from vegasears
McIntosh, your experience? I've been into audio since 1984 and recently purchased my first Mcintosh equipment. What's my experience? Well I'm pissed, I wasted a lot of money on so called "Giant Killers". | |
McIntosh c2700 users please chime in? I jumped on the C2500 right after the C2600 was released. It was listed as a demo, therefore it was highly discounted. You may want to wait until the C2700 is on closeout. Over the years I've purchased OEM up-gradable devices. I did an up-grade... | |
Missing tube integrated for Klipsch Forte III? Back in the late 80's I had Forte's. I was new the hobby and didn't have the knowledge to dial them in and sold them quickly. Years later I used a Jolida JD-1000a integrated amp in a 2nd system with Spica TC-50's and felt the Jolida would have b... | |
Who's done it besides me ? I'd had my Technics EPS-310MC re-tipped by SS. After a few weeks on the job, I was cleaning the stylus and the cantilever snapped off where welded. I was disappointed but after the re-tip I never really like it anyway. The re-tip completely ch... | |
Jelco tonearms closes Wow, that is sad. | |
Vtl 5.5 series 1, David Berning TF-10 or Melos SHA-Gold? Two years ago when I went looking for a Full Function Tube Pre-Amp the VTL 5.5 was high on the list. I have VTL amps and have for 20 years. I ended up with a Mcintosh C2500 pre. One of the main points was the MM and MC sections. I purchased i... | |
Older And Wiser or just Tighter and Deafer? Just because our driving skills have diminished over the years does not mean we can not appreciate a Lotus. | |
My list of seller red flags I stopped buy gear from private sellers on the net many years ago. Why, well the list above has a bit do with it. Back in the early part of this century "Buying On Line" was smooth with only a few bumps. Once the scam artists learned to use com... | |
The Forest for the Trees Over the years I've learned to relax and listen better. Yet from time to time I get an urge to fix something that's not broken. | |
Who are the Kings of Audiogon? Tireguy and Dave_72 | |
Ideal amp for B&W matrix 800 Blueskywalker, I had the identical experience when I tried a Krell 200FPB. I used the Krell with Thiel CS6's and the upper frequencies were bright. In came a tubed pre-amp. It helped a bit but in the long run it sent me looking for more tubes. ... | |
VTL S-200 Tube recommendations That's good to read. I've become a Gold Lion convert where I can. | |
Any VTL experts in here? I have the 450MKII Mono Blocks. I'm the second owner, I got them from Friend, neither of us have had any issue's. I have never heard the S-200 so I won't comment. | |
When Did Your System Disappear? With every upgrade my system became more transparent and it disappeared the minute I powered up my Mcintosh C2500. | |
Are 500 hours too many for a used hi-end cartridge? No, buying a used cartridge is like buying a used tooth brush. |