
Responses from v-fi

Veritas Cables a new brand that I found
@agisthos They were indeed excellent cables for the price. The folks at Cabledyne were very passionate about meting a price target, so they used relatively good but low cost connectors. I agree that aspect held them back from their full potential.... 
Upgrade to PS Audio Direcstream Mk1 and Mac Mini?
Glad you are enjoying it! I always tell people I think the MA3 is one of the safest choices in the high end DAC space. There are many enjoyable options out there but the MA3 is among the best in that range and certainly one of the most universally... 
Raal Immanis top of the line headphones
@yyzsantabarbara Thank you for those detailed impressions, very helpful. Obviously I will want to demo them both before making a decision. But it really seems like the Magna might be the better fit for my tastes. Looking forward to hearing both as... 
Veritas Cables a new brand that I found
@lak when I reached out to them about XLR cables they told me the Fidelis interconnects were their biggest seller when it comes to word of mouth sales. Looks like they have sold some on US Audio Mart recently so impressions may start popping up so... 
Raal Immanis top of the line headphones
I never quite connected with the SR-1a. Not sure why, maybe I didn't get the adjustments right or something. The CA-1a blows me away though. After owning so many headphones from Hifiman, Audeze, Focal, and Sennheiser, some of which I liked and som... 
Veritas Cables a new brand that I found
@bander  that is great news! I saw their AC cable listed and it looks real nice. I bookmarked it for possible future upgrades now that I hear your positive impressions. Still extremely pleased with the Veritas Magnus interconnects. I put them in ... 
Matthew Bond Audio speaker cables - observations
I don't think Madison Audio Lab is still around. Their website is dead and all the reviews I can find are from the 2012-2014 era.   
Veritas Cables a new brand that I found
Sorry I mentioned in my rambling post that I am dumb, and now I've gone and proven it to be true. Should I have dropped a link to either their website or their US Audiomart listnings? Yep. Did I do it though? Nope. Here is the link to their profi... 
Upgrade to PS Audio Direcstream Mk1 and Mac Mini?
@mwthorne Nice, I hope you really enjoy it but also hope you get a chance to do the comparison. I'm sort of mixed about the Airlens, not sure why as I'm usually fine with dedicated quality streamers even when they cost much more. But maybe since ... 
Upgrade to PS Audio Direcstream Mk1 and Mac Mini?
I like the MA3 much more than any of the PS Audio stuff. It's probably system dependent though. Definitely see if you can audition either or both in your own home, that's really the best way to go. If not, you probably won't have much trouble rese... 
How does the Denafrips Artemis HPA compare to other amps?
Interesting, I haven't followed that saga, will have to read up on it. I don't love the way Denafrips moves so fast though. Makes resale value really tough if you keep a product of theirs for a year or two and now it's "old". Then again that seems... 
Integrating headphone system
I would be very careful using speaker taps. It does work well for certain difficult headphones. Like the HifiMan Susvara and older HE6 models. They needs tons of power and so speaker taps are a good way of getting them there. For most other headph... 
Ayre CX-5 / CX-7
They are still around although not a ton of new developments post Charlie Hansen. The only newish product I see listed is the KX-8 which appears to be a mashup of some of their existing 8 series products, though it does seem like a pretty nice mul... 
From Rossini Apex to ????
If you really like the Apex but just want a little sweetening, maybe just try some different cables? Sometimes a small change can be had just by tuning the existing system instead of swapping entire components.  Even if your cables are really gre... 
Ayre CX-5 / CX-7
It's been a long time but if I remember it right, the CX-7 was their "affordable" CD player of that era. I think it sold in the $3-4K range. The C-5 was a universal player if you remember those. That means it played CD and also DVD Audio and Super...