
Responses from usblues

Vandersteen 5a vs. B&W 802D vs. Maggie 3.6 vs.?
You cant trust us anymore than any other source.We all have different systems on different power grids in different countries.We all like different types of sounds.We would like to help you but cant.All we can do is present you with our likes/disl... 
How many gangs will tell you alot,good luck,Bob 
How Much Have You Lost Thru' The Upgrade Process?
Ditto John.... 
Qualified Tube Technician in Pacific Northwest?
I think Stan Warren and Ric Schultze[EVS] are in the Portland/Eugene area.Maybe google them,good luck,Bob 
Yes,an AyreV5x with a newly modded Counterpoint pre[2004].I didnt know what was meant by layers of music until then.I preferred it to a ZH270 at the time,though my friend Art liked the Berning better.Thinking the Cat/Joule and Ars Sonum offerings ... 
I have been happy with Ayre and Counterpoint,must be those shoes.....thanks again Bobby and Happy Holidays....sorry for the hijack.... 
Preamp/amp far superior to just int. amp.?
For 2K I would second the integrated route though there are lots of paths to salvation....good luck,Bob 
Vinyl Nightmare - flooding in Western WA
Tad,hoping the last bad experience will propel him towards one he never envisioned which will make him jump and holler"Grrrrreat!!I never could of done this without that".Of course,he too would have to be an incurable optimist at this point.....le... 
Vinyl Nightmare - flooding in Western WA
I have been thinking about your post for a few days now.I had records from 63 to 86 till I went to CD's.I understand the hassle and pain.I dont understand why they cant be played.Cannot the records be separated from the covers?I must be missing so... 
Agree wholeheartedly with both posts.Much easier to live with our flaws than the ones we pay for....Happy new Year,Bob 
Good product for cleaning nickle plated chrome
Typically[sp] the chrome process starts with a few thousandths[.003-.007]of copper,then a couple thou[.002-.003] of nickel,then .001-.002 thou of chrome.It varies from shop to shop.Browns Plating out of Kentucky is probably the best known to us bi... 
Good product for cleaning nickle plated chrome
Simichrome,found at motorcycle shops among other places.Comes in a tube just like toothpaste.Its not real abrasive,only slightly.Rub it on,wipe it off,clean and easy,good luck Bob 
crass to ask for feedback after a transaction?
I also like the polite squeaky wheel routine.Speaking just for myself,feedback doesnt mean much to me,its the phone call that makes or breaks the deal.I spend so much time here,I feel I know half the guys already,so its no problem on any level to ... 
Today in audio history, Nov. 29th...
I thought Edison shouted"Can you hear me now?"I thought George played rhythm.I thought I passed History.... 
Concur with above post,no other data from source there,good luck,Bob