
Responses from usblues

What is the 'Chales Shaw' of loudspeakers?
He's called 2 buck chuck here in the land of milk and honey.Not sure if I trust the judgement of the judges in this case.The loudspeaker your looking for needs to be in YOUR room for the answer,good luck,Bob 
How do you ship large items? Help
Another good reason to drive and deal in person as you just added another unknown to the equation.I do understand you can't drive and yet are compelled to complete the deal.Is this your first time using escrow?How did you qualify them?BBB?Recommen... 
How do you ship large items? Help
Well,thats as good as it gets now.It would of cost 800 to drive so thats a wash.The good news will be in the end game of course,but it sounds like you have done all you can do.No doubt you have insurance,so as they say in India"Inshalla",......whi... 
Bybee Speaker Bullets?
Contact Bybee for an in home trial,good luck,Bob 
Why are all the Virtual Systems mega-assaults now?
Personally I'm not interested in lowfi or midfi as I have had lots of it.I like the best you can get eye-candy stuff.I really like the rooms themselves.....different strokes I guess....cheers,Bob 
Classe DR-15 amplifier compared to Classe Dr-9
I forgot to apolgize for the hijack of a legitimate question of which I have no answer,thanks,Bob 
Classe DR-15 amplifier compared to Classe Dr-9
You say"not as fast as todays amps".I wonder if tomorrows are faster than todays and so on where we'll be in say 25 years.I wonder if one day they'll stop going so fast.I love this site,where else would we go with these observations?Sometimes I fe... 
How do you ship large items? Help
Hey,everybody wants to live,nobody wants to die.Nobody wants to drive 1100 unless ....Some good stories about shippers.This has been enlightening.I like Alberts story,pays to be creative.I wonder what you'll you can see,we are hoping it a... 
How do you ship large items? Help
All good advice.Especially about the don't do it part.Best of luck if you do.I would rent a van and know its a sure thing,1100 one way is doable,2100 isn't.Thats just me,Bob 
Merlin room positions
All our rooms are different,Size,furnishings etc.So its not a question we can give you an answer that will work for you.You should probably start moving them around in 3-4" increments and report back your findings and we can go from there.Like 18"... 
Monoblocks to consider?
Got me to thinking.You have 95% of what you can get with what you got.You know your trying for the last 5%.Going to need 50K or so for that.Or take the easy way out and get the sub.You don't say much about the room,whats that like? 
Monoblocks to consider?
Agree with Tvad.You might get a little more bottom with a different amp,but you would lose out on what the Berning is giving you on the top/middle area's.I also have Merlins,good luck,Bob Of course this is just an opinion you realize.....I have he... 
BEL 1001 amps. Specs and ordering
Reading this and just want to say that I have heard the Merlins with Ayre.In a word"Transparent and layers of sound".Good luck,Bob 
Balanaced Power Tech v. PS Audio
Oh,they surely do.Some weeks its power,some weeks its tube amps vs. sand amps,some its.....well you get the picture.The power issues/opinions have just settled down a bit.It was a fearsome topic most of the months of Feb-Jan as I recall.... .For 7... 
Mac mini
Thanks guys,all is well now.I was there and didnt know it as I'm slightly challenged.Make that extremely so.....have a great weekend and thanks again,Bob