

Responses from unreceivedogma

What is your favorite album cover?
- It’s a Beautiful Day - It’s a Beautiful Day- Crown of Creation - Jefferson Airplane- Happy Trails - Quicksilver Messenger Service- The Lost Star Grassmen and the Ravens -Sandy Denny- Appalachian Spring - Aaron Copland - RCA- Music in Similar Mot... 
Why audiophiles are different (explained with color)
If you are a visual artist of some kind, or if you’ve studied linguistics, or, especially if you have done both, nothing new here. It’s (relatively) common knowledge that ‘eskimos’ allegedly have as many as 300 words for snow. Studies show, howeve... 
Beginner looking for guidance into tube sound.
Atmasphere,Obviously. Please: I provided a link to a rebuilt one. You make wonderful amps but clearly this person is starting out and can’t afford them, not my Julius Futterman OTL3s. I began by building my own Dyna 70 when I was 14 years old and ... 
Beginner looking for guidance into tube sound.
Don’t listen to anyone who says it can’t be done. They are just being snobs and are possibly compensating for lacking equipment elsewhere. A Dyna 70 can be had for $250 to $1,400, depending on condition. Here is one:https://www.ebay.com/itm/Dynaco... 
Why don't more recordings have soundstage outside of speakers
Robert Plant’s voice (and there’s this sliding sound also) on “Whole Lotta Love” also does a similar thing to the Moody Blues recording.  
Why don't more recordings have soundstage outside of speakers
There is a song called “Thinking Is The Best Way to Travel” on the LP “In Search of The Lost Chord” by the Moody Blues. I think it’s from 1967.https://youtu.be/ZoYbGPO_KKsIt has an effect where the sound goes in circles, around the room, behind yo... 
Uber expensive repair at United Radio
I have uncommon gear, but the amps, the table are made in the northeast so when in need of repair, I can drive them to the people who actually built them, and the speakers were built in Oklahoma but there’s an authorized repair service in NJ.  
Uber expensive repair at United Radio
$1,900 strikes me as very excessive. Full stop. I had an experience with Soundsmith several years back. They wanted $800 just to do “diagnostics” on my preamp that needed a repair, a fee which was not going to be applied to the repair itself if I ... 
Biggest audio hoaxes
I don’t know that this qualifies as a hoax. But my anecdote says a lot about the current state of the audio industry. A few years back, I was walking home from work and the route took me past an audio shop a few blocks away from where I lived at t... 
What do $2500 speaker cables sound like?
Jasonbourne52:they both have two zeros. Just sayin’as for me, I’ll stick to chain link fencing wire.  
Why Do So Many Audiophiles Reject Blind Testing Of Audio Components?
Mahgister, thanks for the clarification. My bad. I’m just fed up with audiophiles who use our hobby to ... if I may be blunt ... bludgeon people into submission with their positions because their - - - - is too small. Over 53 years, I have learned... 
Classical music listening... what is a better source High Rez or Vinyl?
This is a bad question. There are so many factors that go into this. Number one is whether or not the recording engineer(s) got it right in the first place, or if the recording is historic and relying on outdated recording technology, digital or n... 
I'm here for the sharing, not the snobery
Sturatk:imo, there’s room room for both. I’m an artist (whatever that means), but until my senior year in high school, I was planning on a career in physics/astronomy. It’s not like I turned off that side of my brain. theaudioatticvinylsundays.com 
What Is The Most Romantic Song That You Have Ever Listen To?
Sandy Denny: “Next Time Around”written about her then boyfriend, the legendary Jackson Frank. https://youtu.be/yABxvzHshc4 
Favorite Guitar Solo
John McLaughlin - “Dragon Song”https://youtu.be/nFjRqTBoFDY