

Responses from unreceivedogma

HELP! I bought equipment drunk, don’t know anything.
Obviously a troll. People are responding to this idiocy?  
Rank the tweaks, geeks!
Do I have to? 
Everybody’s Top 5 - Vinyl
Spiritofradio: put a sock in it, will you? He asked for 5. Unreasonable I know. But we don’t need the Library of Congress.  
Everybody’s Top 5 - Vinyl
Mijostyn:Really? Get a life, will you?I saw Thompson perform live a couple summers back, at Levon Helm’s place in Woodstock. His son was there performing also. He did Who Knows Where The Time Goes. In my humble opinion, he is a great musician and ... 
Everybody’s Top 5 - Vinyl
I know I’m supposed to like Richard Thompson. And I do, as a person. I listen to his work on his own, rarely. I listen to his work with Fairport once a month.  
Everybody’s Top 5 - Vinyl
Out of 6,000 LPs? Really a useless question. The choices change from month to month, depending on mood, though I suppose some remain near the top most of the time. Nevertheless here goes, with 11:- Sandy Denny: The North Star Grassman and The Rave... 
Speaker Cables? why all the hype for expensive speaker wire?
“…high purity copper speaker wire…”I prefer my speaker wire dirty, like my martinis.  
Buying used vs new?
All of my equipment is used or floor model.I had a guest over for the first time last night who is a professional classical musician/composer and leads a jazz ensemble and is also a recording engineer. He is my age (translation: an old dude).He sa... 
klipshorn speakers
Altec 604Cs with a Velodyne 15" does it for me. In fact, our neighbors three flights downstairs sometimes complain. 
Speaker Cables? why all the hype for expensive speaker wire?
I once was lost but now am found, was deaf but now fondue. 
Next step in Turntable
@bdp24 I have the SAM and … ‘a’, I presume ‘the’ … 3/4 platter. I was under the impression that those features is what converted the II into a IV.  
Next step in Turntable
I was going to trade in my VPI HW MK II for a VPI Classic. HW told me to save myself $4K or $5K and simply upgrade to the HW MK IV. so I did. That was ten years ago.  
Do You Ever Find Yourself Unable to Listen To Your System?
The answer. is yes, it happens to me and in my case it’s a sure fire marker that clinical depression is setting in. I cannot tolerate the side effect profiles of antidepressants. The condition is usually concomitant with a lack of physical activit... 
Vintage vs New
I’ve been listening to the same pair of floor standing speakers for 44 years. They were manufactured in 1955. I used to shop once a year to see what else was out there that was significantly better at a reasonable price point, or even just somewha... 
Recommendations for speakers that sound great at lower volume levels.
As a general rule, a high efficiency speaker. Over 95DB.