

Responses from twoleftears

Klipsch Heresy III vs Forte III
Fortes are gonna give you rear firing bass galore that's non adjustable.Unless you move them closer or further away from the front wall... 
No one actually knows how to lculate what speaker cable they need
You say: "Tell me what brand and model your amp. and speakers are, what is the distance between them - and I'll calculate for you what cable is required".OK, give us an example.  Pick a popular integrated amp, a popular set of speakers, and a typi... 
sonic frontier sfd-2 mark ii DAC, smoke...
The designer of Sonic Frontiers now runs Parts Connexion.  If anyone can help you, he can.https://www.partsconnexion.com/  
I pulled the trigger, I bought OHM Walsh Micro Tall Speakers...
Can anyone compare the performance of these with equivalent models from the Shahinian line-up? 
Dynaudio Contour C60 or Magico A3 or Vandersteen Treo CT
Each of these speakers is highly competent and in fact highly rated by many.  What you're going to get, in large part, is a sequence of posts from people who favor one over the other two; few of them will have had the opportunity to hear all three... 
Bi-Wire Advice for ProAc Response D2
I ran Response 2.5's both ways, and didn't notice any real difference.  Just be sure to replace the metal jumper bars with some quality jumper leads.  The same brand/model as the speaker wire is of course ideal.All other things being equal, I thin... 
Harbeth 40.1 vs Sonus Faber Olympia III
I've heard Olympica II's at one store, and H 40.2's at another.  The SF was a modern, competent speaker, that didn't really distinguish itself from half a dozen other similarly priced makes/models.  The Harbeth is something very special; lots of p... 
Best Loudspeakers for Rich Timbre?
I've heard various Wilsons in stores, and their overall character always seemed to me to be summed up in the adjective: relentless.  And not in a good way.  I haven't heard the Sabrinas, and from everything I've read, it really seems as if these a... 
Looking for speaker recommendations
Shahinian Obelisk? 
Weakest link - a different question?
Didn't Elizabeth start a thread very similar to this question a couple of months ago? 
Where to put one's best power cords??
Some cords are optimized for digital components.  Look at JPS Labs. 
Please help me figure out what I need to do this. My head spins with tech talk..
@abstract Please just be aware that Audiogon members include manufacturers and retail dealers who are free to post in threads without identifying themselves as such.  They are familiar to regular posters here.You must have arrived at Sim Moon by s... 
Insider or Outsider? To be or not to be,...?
Not having a yellow badge is, for me, a badge of honor. 
Digital integrated alternatives to SET tube system
Recently, I was very impressed by an audition of some bog standard AN-E's.  Delightful.But you're really limiting yourself if you want to go solid state AND digital.There are plenty of low-powered, pure Class A transistor amps out there.Starting w... 
Please help me figure out what I need to do this. My head spins with tech talk..
I can't find immediately the 260dt model you refer to, but I presume this is the 260D CD Transport with optional DAC.  As the name implies, this is something of a rare beast, in that the single box can be had either purely as a transport OR as a p...