Responses from twoleftears
Best building material for vibration free shelving I don't think of Daedalus as a tweaky company, but he does purvey these. The wood insert sits on 3 ball bearings inside. | |
Anybody have experience with using Iso-Acoustics Iso-pucks under Maggies? If this is it they were using Gaia's. | |
Power Conditioners: Audioquest Niagara 5000 or Shunyata Denali 6000S I too was put off by not infrequent reports of transformer hum in several models, including Equitech and Torus, who are another industry staple. I was able to try out (with full return privileges) a Furman IT Ref 15, and it was completely quiet, ... | |
Curious what people think is the best "value" high end speaker (~5K to 15K) The Super Nines have incredible bass extension for their size, but when driven at high volume--as they were at CAF--individual instruments and musical lines tend to get lost in the overall wall of sound. | |
Power Cord suggestion please @"A shill, also called a plant or a stooge, is a person who publicly helps or gives credibility to a person or organization without disclosing that they have a close relationship with the person or organization".~Wikipedia.So every time two or thr... | |
full-scale orchestral music—best test of speakers’ potential? Sure, voice is crucial, and a speaker that can't do voice, well...But there are speakers that do voice very well that struggle with full orchestra. I've yet to come across a speaker where the reverse is true. | |
Power Conditioners: Audioquest Niagara 5000 or Shunyata Denali 6000S For me it came down to a choice between the Isotek and an Audience Adept Response AR6, and the Isotek won out. Still, I'm surprised to see no recommendations of the Audience here. | |
Anyone used these audio ceramic slow blow fuses from Littlefuse? Little fuss when you use Littlefuse fuses. | |
Need Preamp and Amp to Match Vandersteen 3A Signature Speakers @darmento If you don't think it's confusing in here, you haven't been here long enough.Another recommendation then: Rogue Cronus Magnum II. | |
... what is Settling Time in cables and interconnects... Once upon a time this thread was about settling time (rather than burn-in), i.e. time a fully burned-in cable needed to settle after it was disconnected and/or moved. | |
Devore Nines vs. 0/93's What reason for the move? Other than the O-series is more geared to lower-powered tubes.Remember too that there is now a Super Nine, with incredible bass for the size, but a presentation, when loud, that tends to smoosh everything together. | |
Classical Music for Aficionados Listened to Field ## 1 and 2 last night, John O'Conor, and so far I have to say I prefer the Nocturnes, which are absolutely delicious. We'll see if I like 3-7 better. 1 & 2 were obviously heading in the direction of Chopin, but frustratingl... | |
Power Cord suggestion please @elizabeth +1 | |
Any love for the Belles Aria or other recent Belles amplifier? Amen.My next speakers, whatever they are, are going to be "disproportionately" expensive w.r.t. the Belles I'm running | |
Best Preamp New or Used up to $3,000 ?? @atmasphere Do your comments on balanced extend to Backert? I was told those were not just convenience connections. |