

Responses from twoleftears

Best building material for vibration free shelving
I don't think of Daedalus as a tweaky company, but he does purvey these.https://www.daedalusaudio.com/accessories The wood insert sits on 3 ball bearings inside. 
Anybody have experience with using Iso-Acoustics Iso-pucks under Maggies?
If this is ithttps://www.psaudio.com/askpaul/rmaf-2018-and-isolation-demo/ they were using Gaia's. 
Power Conditioners: Audioquest Niagara 5000 or Shunyata Denali 6000S
I too was put off by not infrequent reports of transformer hum in several models, including Equitech and Torus, who are another industry staple.  I was able to try out (with full return privileges) a Furman IT Ref 15, and it was completely quiet, ... 
Curious what people think is the best "value" high end speaker (~5K to 15K)
The Super Nines have incredible bass extension for their size, but when driven at high volume--as they were at CAF--individual instruments and musical lines tend to get lost in the overall wall of sound. 
Power Cord suggestion please
@"A shill, also called a plant or a stooge, is a person who publicly helps or gives credibility to a person or organization without disclosing that they have a close relationship with the person or organization".~Wikipedia.So every time two or thr... 
full-scale orchestral music—best test of speakers’ potential?
Sure, voice is crucial, and a speaker that can't do voice, well...But there are speakers that do voice very well that struggle with full orchestra.  I've yet to come across a speaker where the reverse is true. 
Power Conditioners: Audioquest Niagara 5000 or Shunyata Denali 6000S
For me it came down to a choice between the Isotek and an Audience Adept Response AR6, and the Isotek won out.  Still, I'm surprised to see no recommendations of the Audience here. 
Anyone used these audio ceramic slow blow fuses from Littlefuse?
Little fuss when you use Littlefuse fuses. 
Need Preamp and Amp to Match Vandersteen 3A Signature Speakers
@darmento If you don't think it's confusing in here, you haven't been here long enough.Another recommendation then: Rogue Cronus Magnum II. 
... what is Settling Time in cables and interconnects...
Once upon a time this thread was about settling time (rather than burn-in), i.e. time a fully burned-in cable needed to settle after it was disconnected and/or moved. 
Devore Nines vs. 0/93's
What reason for the move?  Other than the O-series is more geared to lower-powered tubes.Remember too that there is now a Super Nine, with incredible bass for the size, but a presentation, when loud, that tends to smoosh everything together. 
Classical Music for Aficionados
Listened to Field ## 1 and 2 last night, John O'Conor, and so far I have to say I prefer the Nocturnes, which are absolutely delicious.  We'll see if I like 3-7 better.  1 & 2 were obviously heading in the direction of Chopin, but frustratingl... 
Power Cord suggestion please
@elizabeth +1 
Any love for the Belles Aria or other recent Belles amplifier?
Amen.My next speakers, whatever they are, are going to be "disproportionately" expensive w.r.t. the Belles I'm running 
Best Preamp New or Used up to $3,000 ??
@atmasphere Do your comments on balanced extend to Backert?  I was told those were not just convenience connections.